
Review Detail of Yuuki123 in In Naruto with More More Devil Fruit

Review detail


well the way character before reincarnation is bad, first how can someone become sole survivor of plane crash with only minimal injury (I say this because he can tend his wounds alone after miraculous safe from plane crash) after that he go back to home he all his family died and he become some sort of criminal (typical boss discarded his hunting dog because interest) and he then he go all the way to basically genocide his entire species with nuclear war witch I don't know how can he have them in the first place (it's either that world security is suck or he is that good at doing his thing, most likely the former). then the way he reincarnated he is supposed to be punished but instead got reincarnated as naruto! hell he even get cheat given by mostly evil goodness for being amusing not because she pity him like seriously who will pity someone who genocide his own race?. after reincarnated as naruto many questions appearing like why go out from kononha just to go back and become genin there ? how no one questioned how can he become strong? knowing something that he suppose not to know? and many more what I can say is plot mostly forced to as close as possible to cannon he didn't even have goal, or even his goal is to change konoha why though? he didn't have any ties in there

In Naruto with More More Devil Fruit


Liked by 16 people




"How can someone become sole survivor of plane crash with only minimal injury" Do you also comment the same on all the Hollywood movies? It's ridiculous to ask for realism in a novel where the MC gets reincarnated by some ROB


are you serious? he is not reincarnated by rob but to be punished by reincarnated at magical world with harsh conditions so he can repent by God who created earth but got pitted by psycho goodness so he got cheat and some how he got snaked to naruto world by otsutsuki are you even read this novel ?

seba_1_98:"How can someone become sole survivor of plane crash with only minimal injury" Do you also comment the same on all the Hollywood movies? It's ridiculous to ask for realism in a novel where the MC gets reincarnated by some ROB

LMAO, that doesn't have anything to do with what I said. First of all 'reincarnated by a ROB' doesn't mean it's good or bad. An second, my main argument has that you were asking for realism (By complaining about the minimal injuries after an airplane crash) in a novel where a ROB, God, or whatever sends the MC to another world, independent of the reason being positive or negative

Yuuki123:are you serious? he is not reincarnated by rob but to be punished by reincarnated at magical world with harsh conditions so he can repent by God who created earth but got pitted by psycho goodness so he got cheat and some how he got snaked to naruto world by otsutsuki are you even read this novel ?

Reviews like this should be done after reading the whole story. If you've seen the last few chapters is nowhere near the cannon. The MC tells minato and kushina about his past life memories. And it is obvious that people ask him how he became strong. But do you expect the MC to answer "I was reincarnated with the power of a fruit that makes me strong"? Obviously not, he replies that Minato trained him by leaving part of his consciousness inside him. (Google translate)


This is ridiculous, he did not repent. He makes the god that the author of the novel thinks stupid. What is the use if he has karma and then he will kill others?

Yuuki123:are you serious? he is not reincarnated by rob but to be punished by reincarnated at magical world with harsh conditions so he can repent by God who created earth but got pitted by psycho goodness so he got cheat and some how he got snaked to naruto world by otsutsuki are you even read this novel ?

this grammar is built different


is English your second language