2021-01-11 11:10

I dunno how this is rated so highly? No offence but the grammar is horrible. It's very hard to read. The flow is sht... This is something key in a book so it needs to be fixed asap. Something else is the characters are cardboard. There is nothing to them, no character growth or anything. It's all just so very dull. You barely find anything out at all and some of the plot makes little sense as well. I mean he is a normal human and on some random ass day from nowhere, he wants to join this special school to slay monsters for no reason? We have no motivation given, no reason. He just up and randomly wants to join... Then how he met the mc of that world and became friends is just so mind-numbingly stupid. He waved from across the track course while inside and now they are best frieds. It showed no interaction between them. Literally, waved, oh he is a nice guy for an mc and bam friends. No interaction nothing. This is a trend throughout the book tbh Mc's character is very beta as well. He has a photographic memory so I was thinking he was gonna find life very dull or something as he is too smart etc and this chat group would be something he finds interesting etc etc Like character background, growth, give reasons, explanations etc however, we get none of this. Hope that makes sense? But yeah anyway gl to author

Liked by 31 people


as i said in the first , I AM USING GOOGLE TANSLATE ! so i don’t gave a shit about the grammer plus this is not a seriously fan-fic so I don’t much care about the plot and growth etc . I am just thinking and Writing Don't expect much, my only desire is to just increase my writing skills a little bit because I might write a serious novel later. In short, this novel is just a waste of time and thank u .


Hmm aight Then make a discord Get an editor tell him to edit it for you. its that simple.

5gojosa:as i said in the first , I AM USING GOOGLE TANSLATE ! so i don’t gave a shit about the grammer plus this is not a seriously fan-fic so I don’t much care about the plot and growth etc . I am just thinking and Writing Don't expect much, my only desire is to just increase my writing skills a little bit because I might write a serious novel later. In short, this novel is just a waste of time and thank u .

I seen the title and thought it was interesting so I read the synopsis only to see the MC had a japanese name. I started to worry so I went to the reviews and seen yours only to find my worries are true. Thanks for the heads up.


It's harem?


I think wanting to join a anime school is a good motivation


How are you going to improve your writing if you don't care about grammer and the plot?

5gojosa:as i said in the first , I AM USING GOOGLE TANSLATE ! so i don’t gave a shit about the grammer plus this is not a seriously fan-fic so I don’t much care about the plot and growth etc . I am just thinking and Writing Don't expect much, my only desire is to just increase my writing skills a little bit because I might write a serious novel later. In short, this novel is just a waste of time and thank u .
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