It's a really good slice of life story with a bit of action. I really liked it, it is a nice change after reading countless MCs with the "See God, slay God, see devil, slay devil" or the "Anh? You dare touch even a single microbe of my loved one? I'll make you die a horrible death! 'proceeds to kill a few hundred unrelated people' " or " You have antagonized me, even if there's a bigger picture to why you do so, I'll still kill you and deal with the consequences later" kind of of mentality. I exaggerated a bit of the examples but you get what I mean. The MC of the fic though loves peace and silence, he is not one to take a beating without doing anything back or not act if something happens to his closed ones just cause he doesn't want conflict. He is calculative, sees the bigger picture and knows when to back out if needed. He is also OP so that's a plus. Overall, the fic is a good read and I recommend you to try it. Just don't expect MC to be killing left and right cause of the smallest reasons. This is a slice of life fic after all. I'm gonna rant a little bit down here but what baffles me the most is why a lot of people felt disappointed with the conclusion of the fight with the cat lady or the whole fic in fact. The reason and explanation is there in the chapter why it ended the way it ended and this is a fuckin slice of life for **** sake. If this is a wuxia novel then I get why it would be disappointing but come on, it is already written in the synopsis what kind of novel this is going to be. *sigh* I'm guessing people don't get what the meaning of 'slice of life' really is. Anyway author, take criticism with a pinch of salt, change if you feels they are correct, if not continue the way you are. Don't just focus on the negative and continue just being you. This is your story after all.
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