
Review Detail of L0WeeeG in Strongest Talent in Naruto

Review detail


The mcs too stupid, i havent really managed to catch up to it but i lost interest... When kushina learned tsunades technique he was excited for her potential if she has chakra from a tailed beast with tsunades technique, and next moment he is planning to stop her becoming jinchuriki... Haysss confusing.. He is worrying about the uchiha massacre already BUT the massacre happened because of its planning revolt, if he becomes strong enough, he will have a large voice in the clan, he can probably stop it himself hence no need for the massacre to happen, but nooo, he is just planning to leave the village and a. join akatsuki or b. create a group himself.... Ahh idiotic im losing my mind.....

Strongest Talent in Naruto


Liked by 15 people




it is not only that ...MC should have affinity to all elements but until chapter 50 (what I reached with skipping ) he never learn anything else aside from fire jutsu and gengujutsu , he learned chidori and then no other elements justu ...he doens tcare for fuinjutsu and raijin and here minato he is a prodigy in selas without learning Uzumaki seals from kushina ...even learning raijin as a child