2021-03-02 03:52

Thank you for reading my book. It's my first novel, and I'm still learning, so I give four stars! Here's what you can expect: The Good The story flows well, and grammar and sentence issues are minimal. Otto, the MC, is smart, ruthless, pragmatic, rational, and powerful. He loves his schemes, but is NOT a genius, an edge lord, a simp, or omnipotent. Each floor could lead to an entirely new world! The worlds are unique, and feel real...this is not a copy cat novel hehe The Bad Pacing! It starts fast but slows down too much...something to work on No romance... POV shifts could be introduced and inserted better. There are moments where it may seem contrived...this is my first story so I'm working on this too All in all, I hope you can give it a chance.... I don't think you'll regret it!!!

Liked by 129 people


how dare you not put romance!!!!!!


well its your novel the synopsis looks good gonna try it


Great story so far, keep up the good work.


very humble author 👍


cool idea repost this under another name so some people dont have to spend fast passes on this and limit it to a select number by putting it somewhere most dont go


maybe in comment cause of so few likes or replys

Samuel_Morrison:cool idea repost this under another name so some people dont have to spend fast passes on this and limit it to a select number by putting it somewhere most dont go

I’m gonna give this a chance only because of no romance tag


great read so far


5 stars, easy. Love the book!


good so far keep up the good work


I think this is a very coOl story idea, i love tower climbing books. But i will have to agree its hard to read on the slow parts, I often find myself skipping paragraphs when people arent talking. and idea for the spell what if the higher circle spells are the advance element, for example fire is 1-3 circles and the lava is 4-6 and then idk something else for 7-10.


i was thinking the same...

AADucxter_42069:how dare you not put romance!!!!!!

very nice comment, but wtf, 4 stars for your own work? this gives high hope for your future :D


Either your a talented genius who happens to be an author or everyone else just sucks at writing.


who said no romance was a bad thing?


Sometimes one need to throw away romance. ..

TheDarkCheese:who said no romance was a bad thing?

i appreciate your realistic view of the novel and will be trying it soon


[img = update]


It’s an interesting story, it’s a shame the translation is really bad... If you could work on that, it would take your storytelling to the next level!


I would have read it longer but I once I checked how far the chapters went for I saw the last free one is called the end of the first floor which kinda bugged me cause I am someone who doesn't try to spend much on things that start to get the cost high quick and I realised that I probably would go through to the end cause of wanting to know what happens so I stopped myself pretty soon

Other Reviews

I won't say this is the best or most original novel here but i will say its one of the best (If not THE best) executed novels on the website with very few weak points, all the scenarios the author sets up are engaging, all the fights are rock solid and thrilling, all the powers are comprehensive, diverse and well thought out. There's 0% fat in this novel, nothing ever feels like "Filler" or unnecesary (Besides maybe the skill descriptions that you can just skip if you already know about it) As for weak points (Author, if you see this, i hope you take these in consideration), there's only 2 of them and they're easily fixed, the characters have little going on besides wanting to be stronger, which is understandable since they're thight on time, but having them do something else besides training and bicker in the background would be nice, playing cards, watch TV (There should be some kind of entretaintment besides VR capsules) or even go to a strip club would add some life to their characters, given them a hobby or something that has nothing to do with getting strong, have them interact with other people and see how they solve their problems without the MC, have a bit more chapters about them and what they think of their situation and what they want to do with their lives, but its not urgent either (And its not like he didn't do any of these, i just think its lacking). The other weak point is that the world, although well thought out so far, also has little going on besides getting stronger/richer, not that there's any problem with that since since these are all broad strokes about the setting and its factions we are just getting to know, so far the framework is solid but it lacks color. All in all i always felt execution always trium** over originality and this is the closest to a 5/5 in execution i saw so far, great stuff, i hope he doesn't drop it.

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