I really hate genderbend novels It is like the author is gay but he dont want others to know that he dig that male character and to not make it suspicious he will just genderbend the character for excuse Come on man dont be fucking disgusting Do you know why genderbend fanfics are fucking disturbing because even if you change the name,gender of the male character it will not change anythin because you didnt remove the character you just change them and when the readers are reading this kond of work they will suddenly imagine the genderbend character in their original gender kissing the mc because the genderbemd character is in his harem it is fucking gay and disgusting
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LIKEwell I am one for honest reviews I fail to see any value in your review. even if a character is gender bent it doesn't matter. what matters is the level of writing and story. but if you really want to whine about genderbenders lets go. first of all the author completely changed issei when he made the gender bent form. first of all instead of be a super out going pervert atsuko is shy about her self and doesn't have an over abounddents of self confidence. also she is more of a low key pervert. also she's more in touch with her emotions. and that's why your review is absolute garbage
You are missing the point here. The autor doesn’t like Issei, he just don’t want to have two main characters in the same story, that’s the reason of Atsuko having a completely different name, and a different personality. Because she is not a gender bend Issei, she is the daughter of the Hyodou family, a girl that born with the Boosted Gear. A proper gender bend happens when a already born male changes his gender. Atsuko doesn’t even have Issei's soul.