
Review Detail of Aeternabilis in My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Review detail


The plot is meant to be focused on the perfect replication that he can use every two months. It has been like what? A year? and he only has four abilities and you only see him ever using his earth ability. It isn't even shown when he gained his fourth one just that he magically gained it one chapter... The story is kinda a joke it has so many plot holes it's not even funny. If the story was more fleshed out, had more thought to it etc it would have been WAY more interesting.

My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Panda Reunion

Liked by 29 people




Are you reading the same thing as me? He has Earth Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Teleportation and the shadow thingy. How did the author not mention this?


He also uses gravity manipulation a lot in the later chapters though


The earth, shadow and gravity we saw him gain in the first six months. From this, he doesn't use the shadow thing at all and when it is used it is rare. I can understand this as you would only rly use it to sneak about and he doesn't need to do this yet. However, the teleportation we never see him get. It just magically appeared in one chapter. Granted we saw him use it a lot when it was shown. However, this doesn't stop the fact it appeared out of nowhere at what chapter 37? Everything else and the main focus is based on his earth ability and how to improve it. He has had close to a year plus and should of had MANY more abilities but doesn't... Instead, it is all about improving the earth ability etc getting moves for it, treasures for it etc granted we do see him use his gravity but never in-depth. Just making it poor on the opponent to make them slower... We never see ANY planning on how he is gonna use his copy ability. No plans on how to use it to get stronger. No plans on who he wants to copy from etc No plans for any other abilities. All we see is and can gain from what happened with the teleportation and what has happened so far is that he will magically gain something when it's needed. Then it will be thrown off to his main ability as to why he has it... Like I don't mind that his main ability is earth however, this isn't the title or his main ability....

Spirits_everywhere:Are you reading the same thing as me? He has Earth Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Teleportation and the shadow thingy. How did the author not mention this?

Hmm...true. Usually I don’t analyse too closely or deeply into things since I would find a lot of problems in it, spoiling my fun for reading. So with you spotting and analysing things, I suddenly feel like this novel wasn’t as good as before...

Aeternabilis:The earth, shadow and gravity we saw him gain in the first six months. From this, he doesn't use the shadow thing at all and when it is used it is rare. I can understand this as you would only rly use it to sneak about and he doesn't need to do this yet. However, the teleportation we never see him get. It just magically appeared in one chapter. Granted we saw him use it a lot when it was shown. However, this doesn't stop the fact it appeared out of nowhere at what chapter 37? Everything else and the main focus is based on his earth ability and how to improve it. He has had close to a year plus and should of had MANY more abilities but doesn't... Instead, it is all about improving the earth ability etc getting moves for it, treasures for it etc granted we do see him use his gravity but never in-depth. Just making it poor on the opponent to make them slower... We never see ANY planning on how he is gonna use his copy ability. No plans on how to use it to get stronger. No plans on who he wants to copy from etc No plans for any other abilities. All we see is and can gain from what happened with the teleportation and what has happened so far is that he will magically gain something when it's needed. Then it will be thrown off to his main ability as to why he has it... Like I don't mind that his main ability is earth however, this isn't the title or his main ability....

Sry xD It's just for me you have to at least show the main aspect of the story acc IN the story at the bare minimum...

Spirits_everywhere:Hmm...true. Usually I don’t analyse too closely or deeply into things since I would find a lot of problems in it, spoiling my fun for reading. So with you spotting and analysing things, I suddenly feel like this novel wasn’t as good as before...

It’s fine. I already read finish all 40 chapters so it didn’t really make a difference

Aeternabilis:Sry xD It's just for me you have to at least show the main aspect of the story acc IN the story at the bare minimum...

He gain the earth ability from his friend at the test, he gain shadow ability after so he could prepare for the test, then there is time skip for like 4 month from that time he got shadow ability to the time the test started, thats mean he could gain 2 ability, he said he got other ability but never say what it is, then he gain gravity ability when the test begun I mean i could understand if he is focusing on earth ability and want to get stronger with it first and dont want to be jack of all trades but at least he could still copy other ability every 2 month so he dont waste time and the cooldown, at least get the passive ability like strenght or speed or regeneration or something else and i dont think that will be hard