As a fanfic, I really liked this work and I recommend it to Re: Zero and solo leveling fans, but it doesn't have the quality of an original work like the fanfics at the top of the ranking. The story is relatively fast what I personally see as a good thing in a fanfic, I like it when they are fast because they are the ones that usually come to an end instead of being abandoned in the middle or reaching chapter 800 if there is no glimpse of the end of the story. The flaws of this fanfic are the launch schedule not so good and a little inconsistent and at times the story is not as engaging as it should be. The moments that should be special or dramatic end up being normal like any other because the author does not get too deep in the moment, he just says he "recovered the memories" instead of describing a dramatic moment where there is some flahsback, intense emotions and the MC reacting to new knowledge or things like that. In general I liked the fanfic and intend to continue reading, I personally believe that we shouldn't be too hard when choosing a fanfic to read, but we need to be honest when evaluating it because this is what will help the author to grow. So I must say that this fanfic is not one of the best and the author still has a lot to improve, even though I personally like it.
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