
Review Detail of Mohd_Faizal_Khan in Cultivation Online

Review detail


This book had been sitting in my reading list for more than a year; everytime I read a chapter I have to keep from kicking myself in the ass for not picking it up sooner. Storytelling at it's finest with a compelling plot and MC. Plot armour is especially thick but doesn't detract from a truly likable MC. How can someone be so OP & yet so clueless is beyond me - takes a very special mind to think up an MC like Yuan. What irks me the most are the chapter lengths - author-san, THEY ARE TOO SHORT! But your mastery for the Dao of the Cliffhanger is commendable. Am currently slightly less than halfway through the current release and unless something drastically changes with the storyline, I foresee pouring even more resources into unlocking future chapters. Live long and prosper author-san so you can continue the story.

Cultivation Online


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