
Review Detail of Vinayak_ in Galactic Almighty Evolution

Review detail


It is a poorly thought novel. There is absolutely no depth. MC is part of an army fighting against bugs. All sorts of zerg cliches can be seen in the first few chapters. The ‘army’ does not in anyway reflect what an actual one would be like: MC is randomly rescued by 2 female soldiers, it is mentioned that He had close to zero chamces of surving when thought of from normal standards and the 2 female soldiers rescued him to give him a burial which is kind of stupid. MC slays a commander level zerg with just a sword and w ithout an exoskeleton and hence shows strength which is very very weird and 2 female soldiers do not suspect a thing. MC signals 2 female soldiers to be silent, a gesture that even a kid can understand, however, the professional medic soldier does not understand this universal gesture. MC decides to eat said commander bugs’ legs to quell his hunger. Till then nobody would eat bug parts as bug blood is said to be very toxic and corrosive. 2 female soldiers don’t find this weitd either. Once MC eating bug parts is discovered by frontline forces, researchers decide to find out whether certain bug parts are edible are not and publish that bug parts are edible within a few hours. This is ofc not author’s way of spoonfeeding MC’s growing hunger ( sarcasm intended ) MC will have a prosthetic arm after losing it in first chapter. Regrows said lost limb and absolutely nobody notices. This prosthetic would have been attached at the shoulders and nobody notices. Overall in my humble opinion it is a novel fpr the dumb and low IQ. Thank you for reading my review and tolerating the poor formatting of said review. Have a good day.

Galactic Almighty Evolution

Holy Light of Galaxy

Liked by 65 people




iirc he was pierced through the chest. The chest doesn’t entirely compose of the heart... But yes, perhaps the author could have gone over his injuries.

Krizzeir:and lets not talk the first chap i think, where mc got his heart pierced by a bug. it was never mentioned again. what was the point then🤷🏻‍♂️

Thank you for your sacrifice, you saved me from losing brain cells.


Yikes forever


the most honest review so far. After reading more than 10 chaps, my thoughts exactly. I don't know how it got so much ratings🤷🏻‍♂️


and lets not talk the first chap i think, where mc got his heart pierced by a bug. it was never mentioned again. what was the point then🤷🏻‍♂️


We thank you for your service of wading through the pool of shitty novels to warn prospective readers.


Thanks brother.


Most bad reviews got deleted I am assuming.happens a lot.whenever a trash novel gets a negetive review it gets deleted.happenned to me about 5 times.got deleted within 3 hours lol.

Krizzeir:the most honest review so far. After reading more than 10 chaps, my thoughts exactly. I don't know how it got so much ratings🤷🏻‍♂️

dumb people is the answer..

Krizzeir:the most honest review so far. After reading more than 10 chaps, my thoughts exactly. I don't know how it got so much ratings🤷🏻‍♂️

My review is hidden lol. only when i click all reviews does it pop up. No wonder that a lot of novels have spam reviews as the top review, cuz they hide the ‘actual’ reviews.

littlepotatoprince:Most bad reviews got deleted I am assuming.happens a lot.whenever a trash novel gets a negetive review it gets deleted.happenned to me about 5 times.got deleted within 3 hours lol.

>It is a poorly thought novel. There is absolutely no depth. Just like your false review. >All sorts of zerg cliches Wow! Cliche! what do you expect from a webnovel about evolution? I really can't understand you. >‘army’ does not in anyway reflect what an actual one would be like Please research about ww2 battles in Europe. >close to zero chances of surviving when thought of from normal standards and the 2 female soldiers rescued him to give him a burial which is kind of stupid. It's not 0 and he still been alive. I still advise you to research more about wars. >ommander level zerg with just a sword and w ithou It's not weird. Nicole thought that he is a super soldier/enhanced person or a stormtrooper (aka strongest people in federation) >however, the professional medic soldier She doesn't need to understand. She is a medic. >toxic and corrosive. 2 female soldiers don’t find this weitd either. Super expert saved you, will you ask him why he act weird? no >g bug parts is discovered by frontline forces, researchers decide to find out whether certain bug p Because it has never been important. Even after it being tested no one except MC eat them. (later mc started to sell it to rich people, it taste like a crab) > and absolutely nobody notices Because everyone who knows about it - died? and even if no one died, Nicole and later her father thinks that MC either a stormtrooper (the strongest people with weird abilities) or an enhanced person. Regeneration ability count as low level and not important. Later in the story, all MC info becomes SSS level secret. After his arm regenerated MC wanted to hide it. First, what he thought to say if someone asks him - it's a leather similar to skin. Because of heavy losses, it's not so strange that people make prostheses parts similar to real parts. Just like irl.


thanks bro saved my time


Well, the reasons I enjoy this novel are 1. no system and 2. no transmigratin/reincarnation. These two tropes aren't necessarily bad, but they have become so prevalent to the point that they are basically suffocating the entire medium (light/web novels), so its refreshing to read something that's a little different. Also, although there are some flaws I do not believe them to be as numerous or as egregious as you've said, and I believe the story will become more in depth as it goes on (this last bit is pure conjecture, but that is how story's usually become better no? with time?)


Idk too much about the last part. If the beginning is really really bad even after 30 chapters I drop the novel. And I agree with you, like it or not said tropes are eidely used, but I could make out that the authot ain’t using his brains, hence it is my opinion that this nivel can only get worse. The one point I do not agree with you on is about the plotholes. There are big illogical gaping plotholes in said novels and it’s way below average in terms of its sheer wuantity and quality of plotholes. Cheers dude.

uncledavie:Well, the reasons I enjoy this novel are 1. no system and 2. no transmigratin/reincarnation. These two tropes aren't necessarily bad, but they have become so prevalent to the point that they are basically suffocating the entire medium (light/web novels), so its refreshing to read something that's a little different. Also, although there are some flaws I do not believe them to be as numerous or as egregious as you've said, and I believe the story will become more in depth as it goes on (this last bit is pure conjecture, but that is how story's usually become better no? with time?)

Well I guess I never really took the novel too seriously, afterall it's a trial read with only 40 chapters. But I still did somewhat enjoy it, so agree to disagree ig. cheers.

Vinayak_:Idk too much about the last part. If the beginning is really really bad even after 30 chapters I drop the novel. And I agree with you, like it or not said tropes are eidely used, but I could make out that the authot ain’t using his brains, hence it is my opinion that this nivel can only get worse. The one point I do not agree with you on is about the plotholes. There are big illogical gaping plotholes in said novels and it’s way below average in terms of its sheer wuantity and quality of plotholes. Cheers dude.

Aye. Cheers.

uncledavie:Well I guess I never really took the novel too seriously, afterall it's a trial read with only 40 chapters. But I still did somewhat enjoy it, so agree to disagree ig. cheers.