
Review Detail of SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST in A Deal With the Devil

Review detail


Transmigration into an existing character. This fic hits the ground run running. Mc reincated in his similarly named counter part with bo prior combat experience in thr middle of a harrowing mission that has all the cruelty, warped and demented twists of war going on in the background. I had some serious viking war music stuff going on in the background in my mind, triggered by the events of the fic. I don't know what the futute chapters will be like, but i vouch for these 12 that I have bindge read. They had an epic feel to them, tension, sense of urgency and ambience you dont see fics starting with these days. If you want to know how to start your transmigration fic. Then the moment he tranamigrates and onward is it. Overall, there is a good amount of urgency and intregue going on behind the scenes, hinted at on an away mission in the middle of various warzones. Seriously, give it a try. This fic has a good chance at becoming the sort of epic you rarely encounter in its genre if the author keeps it up like this. As far as I've read these 12 chapters, this transmigration insert has already become the most memorable one ive seen thus far for the naruto verse, with how long ive been reading fanfics daily. Considering that ive been reading fanfics daily since 2012... Thats something. Author, I have no complaints. Please keep up the good work.

A Deal With the Devil


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Thanks for the thoughtful review; this made my day.