The characters of this story seem to ramble on and on about unnecessary details, but then skip over many more important detail. The characters are all frankly not that smart, ESPECIALLY for any characters that are supposed to be a genius. The villain monologue in this story might be the longest one I have seen before, which is not a good thing since it reached the point of just being full-on exposition. Overall, the author took a very "tell not show" approach to the story, which I NEVER recommend doing. There are also a fair number of plot holes, but I will not get into them. Overall the story just is Dombledore is Evil, oh no. Oh my I am back in time, let me prep to stop him. I will give, the concept about love being used to make a Horcrux was actually very interesting. I do like the concept of the magic not inherently being evil, but the intention behind it having an impact. Frankly, the story is just very boring. Also, the author may have dropped the story, but I am not sure. Anyways, I rate this story a 1.5 (where 2.5 is average), though it is getting close to a 2.
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