2.4 star is my real review but ı wıll give it 1 star because it doesnt deserve 4.5 rating at all. Mc is plain stupid and his logic is ex. flawed. All side charecters are poorly written. So called emp of country or his retainers doesnt have any ıq at all. Any way ın my opinion this novel ısnt worth to west your time on it.
Liked by 8 people
LIKEtruthfully this novels most annoying part is the people who just keep coming to his house shamelessly apart from that everything is comedic misunderstandings .
truthfully this novels most annoying part is the people who just keep coming to his house shamelessly apart from that everything is comedic misunderstandings .
Sorry I read it until 15th chapter ı never make review before ı read a novel unlike some people who give it 5 star before they even start reading it.
Your statement is self contradicting and stupid, you mention the Mc not being stupid even through he is stupid. Fact like people continously coming to your house and them taking thing you give away are easy hint. Hint that tell you something is wrong with the thing that you gave to other people. Mc is a earthling except too stupid to be one in the first place. Because if I were him, I would already figure something is wrong, the second time the princess of the dynasty in chapter 10 or whatever visited with her mother. His intelligence is a disgrace to earthling intelligence. Anyway in the first place how did he learn how to create a purifier, if he doesn't understand common sense in the first place. Dumb and full of plotholes. Open your close minded mind so you can see the stupidity of the novel, or just remain stupid, doesn't matter to me. All I know it bird flock alike, stupid people understand the complexity of stupidity.
This guy must be a veteran reader or just smart to notice how dumb this novel is