
Review Detail of Sorria in I became Haruno Sakura?

Review detail


The people really are pissed just because the mc is... sakura I guess and because she is actually training to gain her power and not receiving a system and killing Madara with her spit in the first chapter. Those idiots make me lose any hope of webnovel even being more than just a self wish fulfilling fanfic site habited by teenagers who only think with their d*cks and have Essential Tremor because I REALLY don't know how it is possible from SO MANY PEOPLE to don't know how to write in English. And when a good fanfic appears like this one what they do? they criticize for not being another self wishing thrash made by a fatass living in his mother's house.

I became Haruno Sakura?


Liked by 6 people




I didn't leave a bad review on this, but I read a few of them. I think they made a few pretty good points. I wouldn't give this story a 1 but it's not better than 3 points. The author didn't give the MC any OP cheats.... He just made up a completely new character to hand everything to her and train her (Sakuras Mom). This is just a different version of a system lol. We have silly stuff like the Hokage spying on a little kid training, and the mom apparently being strong enough to scare him. The technical writing here is good but there's so many gaping plot holes that it sucks any enjoyment out of this story.


I think it’s not because the MC are Sakura or it didn’t have System, but because the MC personalities and action doesn’t make people like her(him) that much. Furthermore Sakura is cheat character in my opinion, just like Naruto and Sasuke. She was born with high INT just below nara and an almost perfect chakra control, but because fanboying sasuke she wasted that gift at an early age. that’s why everyone calling her the most useless kunoichi.