
Review Detail of Fightas89 in I became Haruno Sakura?

Review detail


well kinda have the same opinion as the other 1☆ review. The idea for reincarnation into sakura is a very good fanfic idea. But the author didn't give mc any cheats at all. Well some can live with that idea, I personaly don't like it. Even worse the mc is totally crap and therefor I also don't understand the "Slightly OP-MC" Tag. Main Problem of the fanfic is a way to slow story progress, big part of it in my opinion bc no cheats at all. It feels like a story with about 800+ chapters and its a fanfic dude it may be dropped before the story even started. So all in all in my opinion It's a waste of time to read this fanfiction.

I became Haruno Sakura?


Liked by 19 people




You have to admit that “cheats” are also an overused and often poorly executed trope at this point though. I’ve read so many cheat novels that are just pure trash


As I said some ppl like fanfiction without cheats, I don't. Also there are alot of ways how to do it. I too read fanfiction with bad cheat benefits. For Example some authors who don't like cheats go for strong cultivating talent or sth like this