
Review Detail of LightningCatThief in Wandering Spaceship in Deep Space

Review detail


This is one of those novels where you can only shake your head. Besides the open nationalism and suptle racism the major drawback of this novel is the authors desire to lengthen each scene as much as possible. At Chapter 20 we have not even started on the whole space travel thing and the only important development has been the MC taking a drug to permanently increase his IQ (of course the aothor does not know what that is, but it is a convenient tool to use, when you don't know how intelligence, pattern recognition and knowledge transfer actually work). Character development is also way worse than it should be after 20 chapter without any story development. We know the MC is smart and a virgin, that is all. We don't even know his motivation for going to space, anything about his mother or why he dislikes most of his family. He does not appear to have any friends, besides one who is constantly trying to get him layed. He does not have any hobbies, besides his new thirst for knowledge. What did he do before this? He was a student and went trough special training, that is all. Fuck, this is not Sci-fi, this is slice of life gone wrong. Do not read, do not support such practices which needlessly increase word count.

Wandering Spaceship in Deep Space

Finally Eternal

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not a good review. Nationalism is present but very minimal and the world itself has no conflict and neither author narrates that in story as for info dump it is necessary because this novel doesnt have any "action" so to speak so author uses conjectures to make it believable and tries his best to make a science fiction as science as possible


There isn’t really any nationalism or racism at all, I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing that is slightly related to that is the humanitarians wanting some of the money spend on the space project to be donated to poorer areas. The country the main character is living in is not even a real country, so how the hell would you ever call it nationalism, isn’t not like the country he lives in is praised in any way either. “It’s off handedly mentioned that this fictional country that this fictional character lives in is one of the richer countries in this fictional universe”, is that really nationalism or is it just you not reading the book properly?


Did you read the novel? Read it, not skimmed? Nationalism and Racism are clearly part of this book, but I guess you need examples. Starting with Fusion Energy. There are multiple instances where every other country besides the MC home country is talked of as a backwards shithole (not those exact words) because they can't build reactors, despite the technology for it being accessible by about half of all countries in the world during the 21 century. Then the fact that every other country apparently has only rude asshole reporters which need to be threatened. The fact that during a global cooperation the only country to do the obviously reasonable thing is the MCs home country. Please, it is obvious.

CobraAFE:There isn’t really any nationalism or racism at all, I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing that is slightly related to that is the humanitarians wanting some of the money spend on the space project to be donated to poorer areas. The country the main character is living in is not even a real country, so how the hell would you ever call it nationalism, isn’t not like the country he lives in is praised in any way either. “It’s off handedly mentioned that this fictional country that this fictional character lives in is one of the richer countries in this fictional universe”, is that really nationalism or is it just you not reading the book properly?

Nationalism, please look at my other replies. No conflicts? The world has multiple food, resource, energy, poverty etc. troubles, which are explicitly stated in this novel. As for the sci in sci-fi. It is not explained, The fusion reactor is the only halfway decently explained technology and it explanation is both vague and very misleading. Look it up yourself if you want more. The author does not even understand how the brain works, his IQ theories are hilariously wrong.

PrimoVictoria:not a good review. Nationalism is present but very minimal and the world itself has no conflict and neither author narrates that in story as for info dump it is necessary because this novel doesnt have any "action" so to speak so author uses conjectures to make it believable and tries his best to make a science fiction as science as possible

all science fictions butcher science this isnt new are you seriously want author to explain how 23rd century technology works ? as for nationalism, author establishes his world after 2 world wars ofcourse there needs to be some problems here. Do we not have developed and developing countries as of right now ? This novel literally has 0 politics in it, i recommend you not mislead people and read something properly. On the contrary all i seen was how bad earth was including their own country and how the new colonials would establish new socio order around just merit and science nothing more.

LightningCatThief:Nationalism, please look at my other replies. No conflicts? The world has multiple food, resource, energy, poverty etc. troubles, which are explicitly stated in this novel. As for the sci in sci-fi. It is not explained, The fusion reactor is the only halfway decently explained technology and it explanation is both vague and very misleading. Look it up yourself if you want more. The author does not even understand how the brain works, his IQ theories are hilariously wrong.

So the existence of poorer and less developed nations automatically gives a stable nation the right to look down on all of them. And this is not nationalism? You yourself wrote that the novel is about technology, which you just said isn't explained sufficiently. So a nebulous novel in which the focus is on something not explained. This is either the worst and most useless novel ever written or you are wrong. I tend to think it is the later. Politics are as important as character development in this novel. Which is surprisingly little, considering the 20 chapters full of nothing. And if you think this earth is doing badly, please read again. Unlimited, almost free energy, a society as stable as the end of the 20th century and a world which hasn't changed much in ca. 250 years, meaning no atomic radiation, no biological weapon residual, no polluted atmosphere, no climate change. And all of that after 2 world wars. This is literally one of the most hopeful scenarios imaginable. If you really think a lack of petrol, or oil based products would be so terrible, imagine if I tell you that there are such things as biodegradable plastic, plant based binding agents and plants like cotton. People survived before oil bases product where widespread, mostly because most countries in fact don't have easy access to massive amounts of oil. Lastly, maybe I missed that part but where in the first 20 chapters do they talk about concrete plans to create a merit bases society? I got the impression that they weren't even sure they could make it and it was more of an experiment than anything else.

PrimoVictoria:all science fictions butcher science this isnt new are you seriously want author to explain how 23rd century technology works ? as for nationalism, author establishes his world after 2 world wars ofcourse there needs to be some problems here. Do we not have developed and developing countries as of right now ? This novel literally has 0 politics in it, i recommend you not mislead people and read something properly. On the contrary all i seen was how bad earth was including their own country and how the new colonials would establish new socio order around just merit and science nothing more.

dude first of all chill and take think things through with a calm mind. Rid yourself of prejudice and preconceptions that come from reading too many shitty webnovels and then read the first 20 chapters again. First of all politics- there is no goddamn politics. they don't even bloody mention the names of the other countries for god's sake. they just said that in the poorer countries ppl cannot but clothes but have food in contrast to today's world where food is the more major problem. when he says poorer countries, that means in general. that isn't nationalism. at one point of time he mentions about some protests happening overseas when ppl lost their jobs to robots. again that is just referring to 'other' countries no country has been named or targeted. you need an opponent for politics. general statements mentioned once or twice throughout the book don't make it politics. second nowhere has he praised the country , he has mentioned the county having X level of development but that's all, he stated that as a fact. Moreover it's a bloody fictional country for god's sake and calling a FICTIONAL country advanced is called WORLD-BUILDING not NATIONALISM. if you want to criticize a story at least choose the right parts. yes I do agree with you that this is a slice of life fine wrong. The story is incredibly slow and keeps on throwing in complex terms like group theory that the average reader had no freaking clue about. this will alienate most readers and break immersion. also he doesn't have a mother, he was born artificially using a gene bank or something and only has a father. though I agree that the pace is really slow and hard to grind through

LightningCatThief:So the existence of poorer and less developed nations automatically gives a stable nation the right to look down on all of them. And this is not nationalism? You yourself wrote that the novel is about technology, which you just said isn't explained sufficiently. So a nebulous novel in which the focus is on something not explained. This is either the worst and most useless novel ever written or you are wrong. I tend to think it is the later. Politics are as important as character development in this novel. Which is surprisingly little, considering the 20 chapters full of nothing. And if you think this earth is doing badly, please read again. Unlimited, almost free energy, a society as stable as the end of the 20th century and a world which hasn't changed much in ca. 250 years, meaning no atomic radiation, no biological weapon residual, no polluted atmosphere, no climate change. And all of that after 2 world wars. This is literally one of the most hopeful scenarios imaginable. If you really think a lack of petrol, or oil based products would be so terrible, imagine if I tell you that there are such things as biodegradable plastic, plant based binding agents and plants like cotton. People survived before oil bases product where widespread, mostly because most countries in fact don't have easy access to massive amounts of oil. Lastly, maybe I missed that part but where in the first 20 chapters do they talk about concrete plans to create a merit bases society? I got the impression that they weren't even sure they could make it and it was more of an experiment than anything else.

Okay, I dill try to keep it chill. Do you perhaps remembered Trump. He is the perfekt example how you don't even need to name a country to make racist statements. He and I quote called all African countries "shit hole countries". This was both racism and nationalism at its finest. The context of how you say something is sometimes more important than what you are describing. Did he mean less developed countries which where unfortunately ravaged by colonialism not even a century ago. Probably not, but who knows. This is a perfect example where it was not even necessary to name a country and in the book it is the same. The way the author chooses his words to describe other nations is heavily tainted to judge those countries in a negative way. There are many ways to show how a world works and a singular perspective is often used for simplicities sake. But if that view is heavily biased it becomes completely useless, which is the case here. Let’s return to Trump for politics as well because you might remember that in the beginning of his presidency he signed a new tax law that heavily benifited the wealthiest individuals in the country. To say politics need an opponent is a sad view of how things work, but not entirely incorrect. But who says you can't find those inside your own country. Everyone who lives in a country with a multiple party system will tell you that most political discourse happens within a country. I find myself actually enjoying this, so thank you.

ThePotatoKing:dude first of all chill and take think things through with a calm mind. Rid yourself of prejudice and preconceptions that come from reading too many shitty webnovels and then read the first 20 chapters again. First of all politics- there is no goddamn politics. they don't even bloody mention the names of the other countries for god's sake. they just said that in the poorer countries ppl cannot but clothes but have food in contrast to today's world where food is the more major problem. when he says poorer countries, that means in general. that isn't nationalism. at one point of time he mentions about some protests happening overseas when ppl lost their jobs to robots. again that is just referring to 'other' countries no country has been named or targeted. you need an opponent for politics. general statements mentioned once or twice throughout the book don't make it politics. second nowhere has he praised the country , he has mentioned the county having X level of development but that's all, he stated that as a fact. Moreover it's a bloody fictional country for god's sake and calling a FICTIONAL country advanced is called WORLD-BUILDING not NATIONALISM. if you want to criticize a story at least choose the right parts. yes I do agree with you that this is a slice of life fine wrong. The story is incredibly slow and keeps on throwing in complex terms like group theory that the average reader had no freaking clue about. this will alienate most readers and break immersion. also he doesn't have a mother, he was born artificially using a gene bank or something and only has a father. though I agree that the pace is really slow and hard to grind through

well I agree you do have a point, with the way they were describing the other poorer countries is exactly the same as ppl nowadays describe African countries. which is an exaggeration and mockery of the truth. I kind of glossed over that part since it just seemed like a description and didn't think too much about it, but I guess you are right and it does subtly show what you mentioned to an extent. it's just that... webnovels as a style of writing are never too deep, as .Kay if them are written on the go. Even in books from experienced authors there very few that a few able to achieve a high level of depth in their stories. so often thinking too much about things often lead to disappointment. Anyways nice debating with ya I guess.

LightningCatThief:Okay, I dill try to keep it chill. Do you perhaps remembered Trump. He is the perfekt example how you don't even need to name a country to make racist statements. He and I quote called all African countries "shit hole countries". This was both racism and nationalism at its finest. The context of how you say something is sometimes more important than what you are describing. Did he mean less developed countries which where unfortunately ravaged by colonialism not even a century ago. Probably not, but who knows. This is a perfect example where it was not even necessary to name a country and in the book it is the same. The way the author chooses his words to describe other nations is heavily tainted to judge those countries in a negative way. There are many ways to show how a world works and a singular perspective is often used for simplicities sake. But if that view is heavily biased it becomes completely useless, which is the case here. Let’s return to Trump for politics as well because you might remember that in the beginning of his presidency he signed a new tax law that heavily benifited the wealthiest individuals in the country. To say politics need an opponent is a sad view of how things work, but not entirely incorrect. But who says you can't find those inside your own country. Everyone who lives in a country with a multiple party system will tell you that most political discourse happens within a country. I find myself actually enjoying this, so thank you.

Ive personally only skimmed through the book tbh, but im just saying while there may be nationalism it obviously doesn't correlate to irl nations seeing as all nations in this novel are fictional and the author clearly did so to avoid that whole issue. Second I agree with you that this story is slow, its insane how slow it is, literally like 30 chapters in and I still don't know what the author is trying to introduce, not to mention random theories that no one really cares about or know. However Im assuming you also skimmed through the chapters as a reply to your earlier questions the author has introduced the background of the character quite well, it is introduced that he is a test tube baby, aka why he doesn't have a mother, it is introduced who his father is and what the father does and how that correlates to the MC. The author also tells the readers what the MC does such as what is his job/skillset/education level.

LightningCatThief:Okay, I dill try to keep it chill. Do you perhaps remembered Trump. He is the perfekt example how you don't even need to name a country to make racist statements. He and I quote called all African countries "shit hole countries". This was both racism and nationalism at its finest. The context of how you say something is sometimes more important than what you are describing. Did he mean less developed countries which where unfortunately ravaged by colonialism not even a century ago. Probably not, but who knows. This is a perfect example where it was not even necessary to name a country and in the book it is the same. The way the author chooses his words to describe other nations is heavily tainted to judge those countries in a negative way. There are many ways to show how a world works and a singular perspective is often used for simplicities sake. But if that view is heavily biased it becomes completely useless, which is the case here. Let’s return to Trump for politics as well because you might remember that in the beginning of his presidency he signed a new tax law that heavily benifited the wealthiest individuals in the country. To say politics need an opponent is a sad view of how things work, but not entirely incorrect. But who says you can't find those inside your own country. Everyone who lives in a country with a multiple party system will tell you that most political discourse happens within a country. I find myself actually enjoying this, so thank you.

I have only read the first 20 chapters. If webnovel wants better informed reviews, they should give more free content. But it is also possible that I have missed the whole test tube baby thing. I think it is important to mention things like nationalism, even if it is fictional because we as a species absorbe such things unconsciously, no matter if it is applicable or logical. That is why propaganda is such an effective tool. If you want to read completely fictional books with very heavy political and social criticism I would recommend 1984, Enders Game or the Lord of the Rings series. Or Watch the first Gozilla movie. Thanks for engaging with me in this format.

iiCreation:Ive personally only skimmed through the book tbh, but im just saying while there may be nationalism it obviously doesn't correlate to irl nations seeing as all nations in this novel are fictional and the author clearly did so to avoid that whole issue. Second I agree with you that this story is slow, its insane how slow it is, literally like 30 chapters in and I still don't know what the author is trying to introduce, not to mention random theories that no one really cares about or know. However Im assuming you also skimmed through the chapters as a reply to your earlier questions the author has introduced the background of the character quite well, it is introduced that he is a test tube baby, aka why he doesn't have a mother, it is introduced who his father is and what the father does and how that correlates to the MC. The author also tells the readers what the MC does such as what is his job/skillset/education level.