
Review Detail of plixo in The Legendary Mechanic

Review detail


finally the legendary mechanic gets the treatment it so right fully deserves honestly it shouldn't have taken this long this novel was Already on par with reverend insanity and solo leveling

The Legendary Mechanic

Webnovel Comics

Liked by 366 people




Dragon you up

Tyrannical_Book:Don't compare shitty novel like solo leveling and legendary mechanic to reverend insanity if novel is popular it didn't mean they are good

Don't compare shitty novel like solo leveling and legendary mechanic to reverend insanity if novel is popular it didn't mean they are good


I'll agree on the solo leveling part it's just good but the legendary mechanic is one of the best

Tyrannical_Book:Don't compare shitty novel like solo leveling and legendary mechanic to reverend insanity if novel is popular it didn't mean they are good

For a moment there I thought this was an Original adaption..😑


we got great value brand black star or should I say his future nickname 'photon deficient ball of gas'

ThyUnknownSaint:For a moment there I thought this was an Original adaption..😑

Yes...Now i just want to see supreme magnus into a comic and i will see it all....webnovel comics please see this 👀👀👀👀👀👀


don't think I've read that one is it good?

Goovin:Yes...Now i just want to see supreme magnus into a comic and i will see it all....webnovel comics please see this 👀👀👀👀👀👀

'The treatment it deserves'... No, it didn't deserve that awful treatment


even better if you ask me. In later chapters, it is basically impossible to stop reading [img=update]




Yeah like how Baiko will slap insanity's cheeks with their god tier work :D Bruv you came to the wrong comment section to insult good novels. Vith_Kiin: "US BLACK STAR ARMY VETERANS WILL ALWAYS SUCCEED!!" HowitzersDimpact: *blushes* "Even Fried eggplants have a better comback than this SOVEREIGN tee hee." MechanicalEmperorsSmallJJ: "Boss will always have our united support! Go away small JJ Sovereign ;p"

Tyrannical_Book:Don't compare shitty novel like solo leveling and legendary mechanic to reverend insanity if novel is popular it didn't mean they are good

Its really good

plixo:don't think I've read that one is it good?

So zero

Tyrannical_Book:Don't compare shitty novel like solo leveling and legendary mechanic to reverend insanity if novel is popular it didn't mean they are good

The duv


not on the level of reverend insanity.

plixo:I'll agree on the solo leveling part it's just good but the legendary mechanic is one of the best

oh most definitely on those level of RI there bother really good with interesting universe a unique power system lovely side characters ruthless mcs and most importantly a MC that is a 'loner' and a ruthless man but dies everything the moment his eyes so much as think they see a woman do everything in their power to romance them and add them to their harem the size of a city state

Chaossin:not on the level of reverend insanity.

Damn you are quick to respond. could you rephrase what you were trying to say at the end tho. honestly it isn’t on the level as reverend insanity in my view. although i have enjoyed reading it so i will give you that.

plixo:oh most definitely on those level of RI there bother really good with interesting universe a unique power system lovely side characters ruthless mcs and most importantly a MC that is a 'loner' and a ruthless man but dies everything the moment his eyes so much as think they see a woman do everything in their power to romance them and add them to their harem the size of a city state

oh I was just going thru my notifications when u popped up as for what I was saying at the end too many eastern fantasy novels have the protag build a harem that is way to massive I sort of agree with u on your opinion but recently I felt like the legendary mechanic got better so I just put them right next to each other sorry if I was confusing

Chaossin:Damn you are quick to respond. could you rephrase what you were trying to say at the end tho. honestly it isn’t on the level as reverend insanity in my view. although i have enjoyed reading it so i will give you that.

no problem man. I understand your view of this novel as the story is pretty nice and a refreshing one. I can truly say that this MC is not a simp and never has been. If you dont mind me asking what chapter you are on for this? Honestly I do not enjoy harem novels at all as that just isn’t my type of novel. I dont like when the main character uses resources on some random harem member as I feel like it is a waste of the pill or potion or whatever the mc is giving them. I agree with you on the harem shit and I understand your view on the novel mostly. lmao

plixo:oh I was just going thru my notifications when u popped up as for what I was saying at the end too many eastern fantasy novels have the protag build a harem that is way to massive I sort of agree with u on your opinion but recently I felt like the legendary mechanic got better so I just put them right next to each other sorry if I was confusing

ch 1291 bro it's really good also don't worry about harem I was worried too but han Xiao the MC dosent care he only cares for exp and resources he'll his secretary tried to do him and he went no I'll pass

Chaossin:no problem man. I understand your view of this novel as the story is pretty nice and a refreshing one. I can truly say that this MC is not a simp and never has been. If you dont mind me asking what chapter you are on for this? Honestly I do not enjoy harem novels at all as that just isn’t my type of novel. I dont like when the main character uses resources on some random harem member as I feel like it is a waste of the pill or potion or whatever the mc is giving them. I agree with you on the harem shit and I understand your view on the novel mostly. lmao