Do not be mistaken by the name of the comic. It is nothing like the novel, and is in no way kept honest of it. The personality of the main protagonist as well has his physical features have all been warped. The female characters have been over sexualized, with even their names changed. Once more, they couldn't even keep to the real names from the actual novel, and have even created an entirely new and weird backstory for the protagonist. Maybe this story could be good on it's own, but it shouldn't carry the label of the legendary mechanic. However, as it contains said title then it must be known how much of a let down this comic is to myself as an avid follower of the novel, who has been after a comic version for so long. Creative freedom only goes so far, when this novel bastardises the amazing story and character development that the true novel has. It basically all seems like some offbrand pirated fan made piece.
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