
Review Detail of SliverFang in Looter System In Anime Multiverse

Review detail


It seemed fun at first and the writing isn't too bad, and I even ignored the inconsistent timeline at first, but I don't like the MC, so the story isn't worth the time for me. Inconsistency comes in what looks like the author fusing the 2nd and 3rd wars together. First battlefield that MC is part of is against Suna, which is the 2nd war, and Sakumo Hatake who was already told was dead is alive and even has the event where he becomes hated by Chiyo for killing her kid. Then instantly there is the war against Iwa and Kiri which is the 3rd war. I don't like the MC because he has no goal besides growing stronger. He constantly notes how lazy he is. It's understandable for him to not want to draw attention, but he does it anyway because he wants to grow stronger. And there's no motive for growing stronger. If he just wanted to be left alone, he could've been a civilian. He has practically no people he cares for and avoids most interactions... He's just kinda there.


Looter System In Anime Multiverse


Liked by 9 people




Que bueno que leí tu comentario estaba empezando a leerlo, si sinceramente va a ser un prota que se la pasa buscando poder y no interactúa con nadie es el fanfic mas aburrido del mundo