
Review Detail of Giganpilula in Lucifer's Descendant System

Review detail


The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.

Lucifer's Descendant System


Liked by 3 people




I think what he did is very wrong, but why are all the comments talking about are always the same sentences (literally a copy and paste)? does it even seem like a person using bots to purposefully defame him, so that his stories stop resonating?... is it jealousy or someone trying to compete unfairly (and failing miserably)??


The world is filled with trolls just like you a lvl 1 person who didn't even read one single book and commented only two comments sigh


same thoughts mate his novel was once in top50

Carlos_Balbizan:I think what he did is very wrong, but why are all the comments talking about are always the same sentences (literally a copy and paste)? does it even seem like a person using bots to purposefully defame him, so that his stories stop resonating?... is it jealousy or someone trying to compete unfairly (and failing miserably)??

(Sorry for any mistakes, that has been some years since I stopped studying english) As a brazilian, I can say that this actually happened around a year ago (The drama with the 15 years old girl). About the copy and paste, It can be explained that most people coming here do not know how to speak english and don't even read novels or fanfics and are just making accounts in webnovel to coment on this profile using google translate... I myself searched for this novel when I got recomended a old video talking about the drama and it showed this novel...

Carlos_Balbizan:I think what he did is very wrong, but why are all the comments talking about are always the same sentences (literally a copy and paste)? does it even seem like a person using bots to purposefully defame him, so that his stories stop resonating?... is it jealousy or someone trying to compete unfairly (and failing miserably)??