A rotten apple can spoil the barrel. This novel is a mixture of good and bad. I like the ideas, the setting, the possibilities. Unfortunately, none of that matters because the bad parts are remminded to readers on every page. What are the bad parts? Well, the most glaring of all, the age of the characters. The freshmen are supposed to be around 23, and everyone else is older, some even over a hundred years. As someone who is in their mid-20s, has college under their belt, and job, if I met one of these "20-something" characters, I would ask for their IDs, because they act and think like teenagers who are not old enough to drink yet. The ***** world is a balance of polite patience and respect for society. From the way the characters behave, none of them seem to have ever worked or studied. Like little children, they jump at the idea that they are superior to others if they have a talent or a high points... they brag about it and shun those who are lower from the start (first day when they know nothing and second day when they know 5% more). They cat called a lecturer... wtf? That is like catcalling your boss, the person in whose hands is a button: make your life hell. Piss off a professor, you might as well leave the university for passing their subject would be close to zero. They can feel and think all these things, but only an imbecile would show it outwardly. Some of them are "smart" yet act like children. If they were kids 14 years old it would fine to read, but knowing they are my age and... act like having never left their mother's side - embarrassing. This novel would be easier to read for those who are teenagers themselves because they wouldn't notice the discrepancy in character mental age. Overall, I'll purely keep reading because I like fantasy schools, but neither the characters nor the "cleverness" of the story captivates me, so I'll drop it once I get my magic school fix.
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