
Review Detail of RUFFI in Batman in MCU

Review detail


Why did he come home ?? He's still a weakling! He has not learned the art of qi! He has not perfected his martial arts! Batman at his age had already studied more than 90 types of martial arts, became a master of weapons, ninjutsu, stealth, many types of meditation, became a master of yoga, acrobatics, gymnastics, acting, learned tricks from Giovanni Zatara, became a professor in many scientific disciplines, dance, tempered the body, soul, mind and heart, to fight his own fears, the moments when Batman was in a state of shock can be counted on one hand, he reached the body of the Olympic level! He's a Sherlock-level detective, he's traveled half the world !! He calculated his travel plan in just a few minutes! He adopted the experience of many people in different fields of study around the world! Translated by Google translate !!

Batman in MCU


Liked by 190 people




Batman has also studied theft, escape, hacking, and psychology! And much more !! Translated by Google translate


Sim!!!! Não traduzido pelo Google tradutor !!!


very detailed Batman capabilities evaluation! 🖲️🛡️🖲️🛡️🖲️🖲️🛡️🖲️🛡️🖲️ ♾⚛️♾⚛️ ♾⚛️♾⚛️💊💉💊💉💊💉💊⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ FANTASTIC Read!


90 martial arts when probably only 10 of those are actually useful, he just wasted time, if you understood martial arts you'd know that.


Comic martial arts bro. and he didn’t go to a local dojo, he learned from the masters of their craft

Sorria:90 martial arts when probably only 10 of those are actually useful, he just wasted time, if you understood martial arts you'd know that.

Have Phd on multiple subject and sherlock level intelligence, and yet he still can't fix gotham


well it was funny reading translated by google translate


the hand use chi


only way to fix Gotham is to go the Jason todd route

Elmarc_Yarka:Have Phd on multiple subject and sherlock level intelligence, and yet he still can't fix gotham

Or to use his company and assets to fix everything. Nothing will change if all he did is kill everyone who do crime. Many people in Gotham turn to crime because they need money to live and with a rotten city like Gotham, having a normal is really hard for the common people.

segway_jon:only way to fix Gotham is to go the Jason todd route

normal life*

Elmarc_Yarka:Or to use his company and assets to fix everything. Nothing will change if all he did is kill everyone who do crime. Many people in Gotham turn to crime because they need money to live and with a rotten city like Gotham, having a normal is really hard for the common people.

I mean in his defense he is still just a human and that is not even taking into account that all members of his rouges gallery are just as smart if not way smarter then him now granted that may not seem like it but they are . I also always had the suspicion that he actually in reality does not want to fix gotham because really even if he is the best humanity has to offer, a man who has on multiple ocassions fought with and against gods, he is also a traumatized child who lost people he loved in an alley so is it a surprise that maybe he intentionally does not give it his all to change Gotham because he is using crime fighting as an excuse to hide and run away from trauma all the while fighting criminals to prove to himself he is not the same weak helpless boy that lost his family to mugging

Elmarc_Yarka:Have Phd on multiple subject and sherlock level intelligence, and yet he still can't fix gotham

How would he do that? Give everyone whom is suffering a job and money? 💀 people be expecting too much from Batman.

Elmarc_Yarka:Or to use his company and assets to fix everything. Nothing will change if all he did is kill everyone who do crime. Many people in Gotham turn to crime because they need money to live and with a rotten city like Gotham, having a normal is really hard for the common people.

Dabble in politics. Bro literally could take over gotham, and make it a better place. And yet all he do is dress up in a bat suit to beat up psychopatic murderers and monsters. He put those villains that has killed countless innocent people to prison only for them to break out and continue killing even more innocent people. He is one of the reason why Gotham has become what it is.

TheMotherLand:How would he do that? Give everyone whom is suffering a job and money? 💀 people be expecting too much from Batman.

Finally, you do know that Gotham can never be fixed, right? the earth where Gotham is built is cursed cuz some evil Warlord was buried there thousands of years ago. Gotham is so dark and filled with evil cuz of the curse.

Elmarc_Yarka:Dabble in politics. Bro literally could take over gotham, and make it a better place. And yet all he do is dress up in a bat suit to beat up psychopatic murderers and monsters. He put those villains that has killed countless innocent people to prison only for them to break out and continue killing even more innocent people. He is one of the reason why Gotham has become what it is.

so.. Red Hood?

Elmarc_Yarka:Dabble in politics. Bro literally could take over gotham, and make it a better place. And yet all he do is dress up in a bat suit to beat up psychopatic murderers and monsters. He put those villains that has killed countless innocent people to prison only for them to break out and continue killing even more innocent people. He is one of the reason why Gotham has become what it is.

Says you every martial art ever is based on an idea, a concept so the more you gather the better you can make your own concept and art of fighting. like bruh this is basics, you a newbie for sure or a terrible master. Even pathetic martial arts in practice can lead to truly amazing discoveries when thrown into conjunction with others.

Sorria:90 martial arts when probably only 10 of those are actually useful, he just wasted time, if you understood martial arts you'd know that.


Elmarc_Yarka:Have Phd on multiple subject and sherlock level intelligence, and yet he still can't fix gotham