
Review Detail of Daoist_Red_Reads in Picking Up Attributes From Today

Review detail


100 something or 200 chapters in. When Amos Kroc died the story had gone downhill. The mc had turned 180 in personality destroying any bit of character development in him. The story took 180, instead of journeying to the top step by step, the author got bored so he made the mc kill instead. It tries to fix it but the damage was done. The novel at that point was already dying in terms of story development. The character development died because the author wanted "boom boom hahaha look cool mc right? Kill kill" which did not fit the mc. He kills monsters but he was not that brave to murder dragons. In fact, he could have proved himself innocent but author just wanted an edgy novel. the novel turned edgy after Amos Krock's death, and his death was not even that sad, the author wanted him to die (because he added the tree half deity soul which Amos knew but never he said it? Very obvious author). The author got sick of this novels' tone and wanted it to become grim instead of happy, but he sucks at it.

Picking Up Attributes From Today

Panda Reunion

Liked by 3 people




Honestly,I kinda agree at the sudden changes of plot.