I don't understand why webnovel gives us the option of voting for a novel we want to see continued only to ignore the result. If a translator wants to translate a book that is part of the weekly voting options, but not the favourite of the week, because of their own interest, then that's okay. But in that case it should not be part of the weekly vote anymore. The very essence of the weekly vote is to find the favourite book of the week for as many people as possible. If webnovel ignores the result then it makes the voting option obsolete. So I ask again, what sense does this make?
Liked by 213 people
LIKEBut they ARE explicitly soliciting our opinions, telling us we can be part of the decisions, and then ignoring us. It's reasonable to be annoyed. Oh, btw, paying readers actually ARE 'paying for the translators'.
you continue on pirating chapters and eventually all translators will give up translating since we're not getting paid to translate, we're getting paid a portion of the profits. webnovel is not picking up what you want because they're not the ones paying us to translate for you. if you want to read something, you can always hire someone and pay them some 100 bucks a chapter to personally translate for you. oh? you can't afford that? don't complain then.
then you go tell them to hire translators. we here are freelancers that gets paid a percentage of the profit. we have no idea what will make it or not, so we gotta translate what we enjoy. btw, are you a paying reader? serious question
Seriously? No, I'm not. And yes, I thought of that at the time, hence 'paying readers'. I wouldn't object to them paywalling this setup. But if they advertise that our votes control a process (and they do so advertise), and then ignore those votes, there is a great deal of reason to object. And are you really suggesting that it's better for people who are supporting this platform to stop supporting it than for Qidian to honor their promises?
100 bucks is too much for a single chapter to me, make it 25 per chapter
Webnovel earn money from readers, AND from this money they pay salaries to the translators. So if webnovel loses readers it also loses money. It such a pity u r so dumb that u don't get it
please don't speak when you're pirating people's hard work. always those who refuses to support the translators that barks the loudest.
I get where you're coming from, but I really think you need to pay attention to the original complaint. It's not about any of us wanting control of YOUR actions. It's about Qidian making and breaking promises that, if I believe your words, they never had the ability to keep. And in that, you should be as angry as us because it affects your profits.