Good starting point, but butcher by author limited creativity. For someone that get a boon of unlimited money, u have such a narrow mind of using it. I hope author can read "chaotic good" by mister grin. That is how u capitalise on the boon. u can even do what mister grin can't done, by buying the whole company that make the game. Thus, you can exploit the hell out of it. Lets say, u aee giving the power of mods or admin that come with destructive power. or heck, letting the company tell u where all the world item at. or even better, breaking the lvl100 limit during the last few day. So much possibilities yet author decide to not stray further from the OG story thus leading to boring reading. Why bother reading it when i can read the novel again. Ok, even if you are too lazy to think that you can buy the company, you can also buy the world item from player hand. The game is almost over, surely people will sell it no? You do realise that mc boon will end after he goes to new world then why not capitalize it? If i were you, i will fkin hoard everything like a dragon. In conclusion. Dear author, i hope for your future book to be rethink twice before u write. Just keep the word, "how do i capitalize it" whenever u make mc overpower. No need to limit yourself. As a writer, limiting urself of creativity is a sin.
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LIKEThat is indeed a possibility, but not the path I wanted to go down. I was aware he could do that, in fact, if he wanted, he could pay for his own custom content from the developers. Yet I didnt, purely because I didn't want to. The money boon was so that he could get through his limited life in that world without issues and the need to stop to work, not so he can **** over the entire MMO community. That is the reason he no longer has the boons in the New World as he is transferred with the work he has put in rather than a random guy giving him stuff. I admit I have limited creativity in many aspects however, the money was a deliberate choice since in my opinion, the story would be very stale from the get go, if Zelphyr ran around being twice the strength of everyone in the game without him putting in any effort. Besides, buying the company would have a lot more responsibility than it would be worth, especially since he only planned on staying there temporarily. Not only could it cause him to become attached to the world and his boons, it could also get in the way of his grinding for his future.
ok i admit that buying the company is just an random idea that come out of my mind. However, being twice or triple the strength doesnt matter in new world since, when u already the strongest being in the world, does having twice the strenght have any mean? Well, what done is done. I still gonna read it to see how it goes.
about the part of being stale, there many way to counter it.Maybe we can emphasis it more on kingdom building by being in hand of controlling a kingdom instead of using jaldaboath again. i mean by takeover and introduce the imrpovement of the kingdom. control the world etc. No need to follow the big plot. we can just takeover the world since the mc know how weak the new world. The important part is knowing when to timeskip. Often time i read other book it get stale easily due to slow progression. 50 chapter in, and only 1-2 week has pass. There a reason why popular book here have timeskip that range in year. Heck even hundred of year. So that they don't have to explain what the mc do every day in each chapter. Since this is fanfic about an overpower character, you can try to be bold, by exploring the galaxy, find the mystery of the world, or if it too troublesome to write about it, just do a crossover after controlling the new world is also okay. There no way mc as dragon satisfied with 1 world right 😉😉😉 The crossover of GateXoverlord is good example.
this is only an opinion, i don't want this to disturb ur plan.
As creative as your ideas are, I am going to have to decline unfortunately. I can safely say the execution of such plans are not within my abilities especially with crossovers. One of the reason I never added NPCs that were resemblances of other franchise characters was due to my lack of ability in being able to implement it. I feel that should you write a novel, that it will surely exceed my own, so I wholeheartedly encourage you. I am writing for fun and with my free time, this is a very low priority for me and such a project like the one you are suggesting requires consistency and dedication. This is something I cannot guarantee as you can tell from the fact that I haven't uploaded a chapter in over a month.
yeah its ok tho, its just an opinion.
not read yet but as always reading the reviews to have at least some expectations since I am about to read but this just saying if mc is smart enough to think about using his infinite Money the you somewhat have to put a reason for him not doing it even tho he's smart enough to think of using so Imma go read it