
Review Detail of Galibre_bb in Return of the Tower Conqueror

Review detail


I have mulled over what to write into this white little box for a long bit of time now and I have made my decision. Although I have written and deleted texts many times, I have yet to be satisfied with my attempt at putting my feelings for this novel into words. That is why after much consideration I have come to a single conclusion. This is my Bible now. It is as qualified a holy book as any.

Return of the Tower Conqueror


Liked by 17 people




What's the point of a character dying if it doesn't have any impact? The fact that the character had potential and could grow makes the death more meaningful narratively as well as emotionally for the reader.

Drakenile:this is a truly great story with great world building and characters that we can actually get attached to.... that said I intend to drop it. (personal issue) you build up these characters we really care for and then kill them off repeatedly which really doesn't sit well with me



I wholeheartedly agree with this review.


this is a truly great story with great world building and characters that we can actually get attached to.... that said I intend to drop it. (personal issue) you build up these characters we really care for and then kill them off repeatedly which really doesn't sit well with me


yes and if it didn't keep happening to the main group characters I could accept it. but after a certain point it doesn't make sense to invest in the "party" because you can be assured that they're just going to die... at this point the only people I'm reasonable sure won't die is Cain and his ex/future wife and heck that might be a curveball the author throws in. A character of importance dying is a good plot point and chance for growth. when it happens to often it's just depressing. of course this is my personal opinion and everyone is entitled to their own

Galibre_bb:What's the point of a character dying if it doesn't have any impact? The fact that the character had potential and could grow makes the death more meaningful narratively as well as emotionally for the reader.

i read your comment and besides the main character, his wife and daughter there were only 2 I didn't want to see die and of coarse it was one of them... The book is still worth reading but if anyone in his family were to die that would be it for me.

Drakenile:this is a truly great story with great world building and characters that we can actually get attached to.... that said I intend to drop it. (personal issue) you build up these characters we really care for and then kill them off repeatedly which really doesn't sit well with me

I get that i mean i love these kind of stories (reborn as self in past/earth gets magic) and this is honestly one of the best But at the end of the day it's just to dark and depressing for me. Got enough demons in my life without adding ones from a fictional world

TheManBrownie:i read your comment and besides the main character, his wife and daughter there were only 2 I didn't want to see die and of coarse it was one of them... The book is still worth reading but if anyone in his family were to die that would be it for me.

well at least let's be honest. this novel and this continues deaths are realistic truth be told if something like dungeons and monsters really appeared 90℅ of the people reading this would probably be dead we are not mc's with plot armor and this novel makes you feel more in touch with the possibility of a reality that could as well be yours. makes you think what if your best friend was that kid j from the start of the novel and died in front of you just like that. it had been only a few days since you taught him how to flirt and spent time with and now boom dead in front of you

Drakenile:yes and if it didn't keep happening to the main group characters I could accept it. but after a certain point it doesn't make sense to invest in the "party" because you can be assured that they're just going to die... at this point the only people I'm reasonable sure won't die is Cain and his ex/future wife and heck that might be a curveball the author throws in. A character of importance dying is a good plot point and chance for growth. when it happens to often it's just depressing. of course this is my personal opinion and everyone is entitled to their own
