Would this book be better if the first 7 to 10 chapters had a rewrite? Yes. Would this book be doing as well as it is if the book did not get significantly better afterwards? No. To you, the reader who is asking themselves "should I keep reading this mess of tenses and blatantly copied ideas from 'MVS'?" The answer is yes. Keep going. I almost dropped the book but am now quite a ways in and WOW it has been a pleasure to watch the author develop. As the story goes on, the grammar improves significantly, and copied ideas are few and far between, only appearing to appease plot holes that would otherwise appear. I believe that the only reason the beginning has not been torn out and replaced is because somehow, the author has managed to use such an unstable foundation for a book and return with a solid final product. Endure the beginning. It gets so much better.
Liked by 82 people
LIKELol, yeah, you're right. I've already built upon the foundation so much that going back and changing it would be almost impossible. I honestly started this novel on a whim and never expected to get this far. It was almost a joke lol. But then I took it more seriously. Thank you so much for the review! I'm releasing a new novel very soon that will fix all the issues about the bad grammar and bad start that this one had and I'm really excited for it! ❤😊
Of course lol, 2 books is my limit, don't worry! I'm not stupid lol, anyone who writes 3 more is mad man 🤣
It does get better. I remember seeing the author saying that this book was originally just a joke before he started taking it seriously. But it's actually not awful. There's a lot of author growth in there as well. The fight scenes, torture scenes, romance scenes, and even classroom scenes all improve really fast as the author takes constructive criticism really well. Id totally give it a try.