
Review Detail of FrightKnight88 in Okay Kacchan (first book of the Okay series)

Review detail


fucking BL fanfic. didnt even bother warning readers. bull**** move author, bull**** move. kindly go wuck yourself off you ****ter.

Okay Kacchan (first book of the Okay series)


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I'm sorry that you feel that way but your rude comments were, in my opinion, excessive. If you don't like the plot of someone's book, there's no reason to say such mean things. Just leave. Don't be overdramatic enough to make your leave known. I do care about all my readers and you being one of those, even if only for a short period of time, does extend my care out to you. That being said, I hope you find a book more up your alley soon so no other author has to go through the trouble of having you as a reader. Have fun; be safe; I wish you the best on your journey. Bye ~Emerald Brookes

FrightKnight88:now that I cared enough to read the rest of what you said, no that is not what went through my head, unlike other people I don't extensively research another person's past to talk shit about them, I only talk shit about the things in front of me, you feel like I'm out to get you and hate on you, but you literally aren't understanding what I'm saying. I gave reasons on why the story wouldn't have been interesting to me, why it still doesnt interest me (sorry don't like genderbenders or boy love) and also why it seemed like your thing was boy love, but you seem deadset on making me out to be some devil prepared to ruin your life and make you take it, when I'm literally only explaining and being an ass about what I feel is worthy to be an ass about. if you read my comment history you will see plenty of times where I've been a sarcastic ass, so no it's not anything personal. only there was once have I ever felt embarrassed about my behavior because I was a total sick to someone over something about their story, but they instead thanked me and fixed the issue and did a damn fine job at it and out of embarrassment I removed said review, read the story, and gave a high detail review. maybe actually add some tags, an actual forewarning in synopsis about it being a bakudeku romance with genderbendiness and then not only will I read your story, give you a 4 star review(I don't do 5 stars on fanfics no way) and I'll actually apologize

@FrightKnight88 Hello! Author here! I'm sorry you feel this way, my intentions for this book were pure and not to hurt anyone. If you wouldn't mind, tell me which part of the book triggered you because the book was (female) Bakugo x (male) Deku, which is purely heterosexual.


ah well maybe before making them, who are clearly Male in every fanfic, and the actual show, have romantic feelings and **** plain to see, without even mentioning you genderbent one, so this reviews on you and will stand author-san

Emerald_Brookes:@FrightKnight88 Hello! Author here! I'm sorry you feel this way, my intentions for this book were pure and not to hurt anyone. If you wouldn't mind, tell me which part of the book triggered you because the book was (female) Bakugo x (male) Deku, which is purely heterosexual.

Hi, so just wanted to let you know you're a fricken idiot. You tapped on a Bakudeku fan-fic and you knew this. If you have concerns please show them respectfully you don't have to be an asshole about it.


@FrightKnight88 Again, sorry you feel this way but I feel the need to step in here. First off, if you read the book, even just the first chapter, you could tell that it is a gender-bend. You can tell from just the cover of the book that is is in fact, heterosexual. Secondly, there are plenty of fanfictions with gender-bend. My stories are all originally posted on Wattpad, where I'm happy to say, there is a much more accepting community. I'm sorry that you are homophobic, but to be quite frank, I couldn't care less about your closed mind sexuality preferences. You are the kind of person who pushes people who are even the slightest bit different than you, to hide who they are, to cower in fear, to run away from life. You, miss or mister, need to change your attitude right now. I know I am being rather rude, and I honestly don't think I have ever been this mean before, but you need to wake up and see that being gay, bi, pan, lesbian, aesexual, or whatever the frick other sexuality, is not hurting a gosh darn person. GROW UP!!

FrightKnight88:ah well maybe before making them, who are clearly Male in every fanfic, and the actual show, have romantic feelings and **** plain to see, without even mentioning you genderbent one, so this reviews on you and will stand author-san

I agree.

Emerald_Brookes:@FrightKnight88 Again, sorry you feel this way but I feel the need to step in here. First off, if you read the book, even just the first chapter, you could tell that it is a gender-bend. You can tell from just the cover of the book that is is in fact, heterosexual. Secondly, there are plenty of fanfictions with gender-bend. My stories are all originally posted on Wattpad, where I'm happy to say, there is a much more accepting community. I'm sorry that you are homophobic, but to be quite frank, I couldn't care less about your closed mind sexuality preferences. You are the kind of person who pushes people who are even the slightest bit different than you, to hide who they are, to cower in fear, to run away from life. You, miss or mister, need to change your attitude right now. I know I am being rather rude, and I honestly don't think I have ever been this mean before, but you need to wake up and see that being gay, bi, pan, lesbian, aesexual, or whatever the frick other sexuality, is not hurting a gosh darn person. GROW UP!!

frankly you don't get to assume those things about me, if someone in real life is gay then I don't care if they are together, fucking or even finger blasting each others assholes, but I'm not into reading about gay romance. I'm not homophobic just because I can't relate to being into guys so kindly get the **** off your fake high horse you pretentious asshole. and at the time I made my review it was not clear it was heterosexual in any shape or form, instead immediately with no warning it came off as BL or boy love, which again im not interested in reading it, and it warrants a 1 star from me if at the time you didnt properly label it between heterosexual or boy love when the characters are originally male.

Emerald_Brookes:@FrightKnight88 Again, sorry you feel this way but I feel the need to step in here. First off, if you read the book, even just the first chapter, you could tell that it is a gender-bend. You can tell from just the cover of the book that is is in fact, heterosexual. Secondly, there are plenty of fanfictions with gender-bend. My stories are all originally posted on Wattpad, where I'm happy to say, there is a much more accepting community. I'm sorry that you are homophobic, but to be quite frank, I couldn't care less about your closed mind sexuality preferences. You are the kind of person who pushes people who are even the slightest bit different than you, to hide who they are, to cower in fear, to run away from life. You, miss or mister, need to change your attitude right now. I know I am being rather rude, and I honestly don't think I have ever been this mean before, but you need to wake up and see that being gay, bi, pan, lesbian, aesexual, or whatever the frick other sexuality, is not hurting a gosh darn person. GROW UP!!

also no, the first chapter as a whole may make it clear its genderbent but the first few paragraphs where two dudes(the o ly thing I could assume without a heterosexual tag) are fucking flirting and blushing about the weirdest shit, so frankly it's not my fault for jumping to conclusions, and if you are so unwillingly to accept this point of view you and your story aren't worth another person's time or support

Emerald_Brookes:@FrightKnight88 Again, sorry you feel this way but I feel the need to step in here. First off, if you read the book, even just the first chapter, you could tell that it is a gender-bend. You can tell from just the cover of the book that is is in fact, heterosexual. Secondly, there are plenty of fanfictions with gender-bend. My stories are all originally posted on Wattpad, where I'm happy to say, there is a much more accepting community. I'm sorry that you are homophobic, but to be quite frank, I couldn't care less about your closed mind sexuality preferences. You are the kind of person who pushes people who are even the slightest bit different than you, to hide who they are, to cower in fear, to run away from life. You, miss or mister, need to change your attitude right now. I know I am being rather rude, and I honestly don't think I have ever been this mean before, but you need to wake up and see that being gay, bi, pan, lesbian, aesexual, or whatever the frick other sexuality, is not hurting a gosh darn person. GROW UP!!

Hey since you wanna talk about assholes, then why are you being one and assuming I knew it was a Bakudeku fanfic? The synopsis shows no hint of them being together, the cover photo looks like Katsukis mom, and it didn't have a boylove/heterosexual tag, and the first few paragraphs make no effort with its content or with an author note that KACCHAN IS FUCKING GENDERBENT, it looks like Boylove instantly, which I am not interested in reading. Also, a review isn't a place for showing concerns, that's for comments. A review is for calling out the terrible shit you see/ amazing as **** shit, and to inform the people reading said review about it, which is what I did. I frankly don't give a **** if I seem like an asshole, the world is full of assholes, if you are this sensitive you shouldn't be on this website or the internet in general.

shoto_todorki:Hi, so just wanted to let you know you're a fricken idiot. You tapped on a Bakudeku fan-fic and you knew this. If you have concerns please show them respectfully you don't have to be an asshole about it.

My readers all matter to me, each and every one of them, from the haters to the supporters. I would love to change your mind but I've tried to be kind and I tried to be honest and nothing has worked. Your inappropriate language is something that no one wants to read. Your closed-mindedness is something I don't want to deal with. I'm going to admit that it might have been fooling to some who didn't bother to look at the cover or much of the story. When I use pronouns for Bakugo, I do make sure to use "she" or "her" and I have never once used anything to suggest that Bakugo was a man. I see how someone could get mislead by this but I do have a question. Why would you even read this book, knowing its Bakudeku from the title, tags, and description, which as you previously stated, is normally gay? You apparently would not read a gay story if your life depended on it so did you think, "Oh I'm just going to be a jerk to some author who has worked her butt of to get where she is and give her her first review on her book since it's been on this platform and let it ruin her self-confidence?" Is that what you thought?? You thought it would be fun to kill a young writer's self-esteem and watch all of her dreams fall into ashes? You thought it'd be fun to know that she cries into her pillow at night because she thinks everyone hates her and her book because you decided to hate on her for her story being gay when, in fact, it wasn't gay?!?! You've killed my views of this platform, my views of humanity really, and I don't know what to say. I could say I'm disappointed, but what is there to be disappointed about. I mean, you have the right to an opinion as much as I do. I guess I just didn't expect anyone to have such a hurtful opinion.

FrightKnight88:also no, the first chapter as a whole may make it clear its genderbent but the first few paragraphs where two dudes(the o ly thing I could assume without a heterosexual tag) are fucking flirting and blushing about the weirdest shit, so frankly it's not my fault for jumping to conclusions, and if you are so unwillingly to accept this point of view you and your story aren't worth another person's time or support

didnt bother reading the bullshit you said once you lied saying it was obvious bakudeku fanfic in tags and description, you literally have no tags on your story and your synopsis is vague as hell. I've literally never seen as vague a synopsis besides one other dude on webnovel who I called out for it and he gave a detailed synopsis afterwards. the cover photo more looks like katsukis mother at first glance than him being genderbent. you are one arrogant ****er btw to keep calling me closed minded when I've explained all my reasoning. go **** yourself you really aren't worth my time

Emerald_Brookes: My readers all matter to me, each and every one of them, from the haters to the supporters. I would love to change your mind but I've tried to be kind and I tried to be honest and nothing has worked. Your inappropriate language is something that no one wants to read. Your closed-mindedness is something I don't want to deal with. I'm going to admit that it might have been fooling to some who didn't bother to look at the cover or much of the story. When I use pronouns for Bakugo, I do make sure to use "she" or "her" and I have never once used anything to suggest that Bakugo was a man. I see how someone could get mislead by this but I do have a question. Why would you even read this book, knowing its Bakudeku from the title, tags, and description, which as you previously stated, is normally gay? You apparently would not read a gay story if your life depended on it so did you think, "Oh I'm just going to be a jerk to some author who has worked her butt of to get where she is and give her her first review on her book since it's been on this platform and let it ruin her self-confidence?" Is that what you thought?? You thought it would be fun to kill a young writer's self-esteem and watch all of her dreams fall into ashes? You thought it'd be fun to know that she cries into her pillow at night because she thinks everyone hates her and her book because you decided to hate on her for her story being gay when, in fact, it wasn't gay?!?! You've killed my views of this platform, my views of humanity really, and I don't know what to say. I could say I'm disappointed, but what is there to be disappointed about. I mean, you have the right to an opinion as much as I do. I guess I just didn't expect anyone to have such a hurtful opinion.

now that I cared enough to read the rest of what you said, no that is not what went through my head, unlike other people I don't extensively research another person's past to talk shit about them, I only talk shit about the things in front of me, you feel like I'm out to get you and hate on you, but you literally aren't understanding what I'm saying. I gave reasons on why the story wouldn't have been interesting to me, why it still doesnt interest me (sorry don't like genderbenders or boy love) and also why it seemed like your thing was boy love, but you seem deadset on making me out to be some devil prepared to ruin your life and make you take it, when I'm literally only explaining and being an ass about what I feel is worthy to be an ass about. if you read my comment history you will see plenty of times where I've been a sarcastic ass, so no it's not anything personal. only there was once have I ever felt embarrassed about my behavior because I was a total sick to someone over something about their story, but they instead thanked me and fixed the issue and did a damn fine job at it and out of embarrassment I removed said review, read the story, and gave a high detail review. maybe actually add some tags, an actual forewarning in synopsis about it being a bakudeku romance with genderbendiness and then not only will I read your story, give you a 4 star review(I don't do 5 stars on fanfics no way) and I'll actually apologize

Emerald_Brookes: My readers all matter to me, each and every one of them, from the haters to the supporters. I would love to change your mind but I've tried to be kind and I tried to be honest and nothing has worked. Your inappropriate language is something that no one wants to read. Your closed-mindedness is something I don't want to deal with. I'm going to admit that it might have been fooling to some who didn't bother to look at the cover or much of the story. When I use pronouns for Bakugo, I do make sure to use "she" or "her" and I have never once used anything to suggest that Bakugo was a man. I see how someone could get mislead by this but I do have a question. Why would you even read this book, knowing its Bakudeku from the title, tags, and description, which as you previously stated, is normally gay? You apparently would not read a gay story if your life depended on it so did you think, "Oh I'm just going to be a jerk to some author who has worked her butt of to get where she is and give her her first review on her book since it's been on this platform and let it ruin her self-confidence?" Is that what you thought?? You thought it would be fun to kill a young writer's self-esteem and watch all of her dreams fall into ashes? You thought it'd be fun to know that she cries into her pillow at night because she thinks everyone hates her and her book because you decided to hate on her for her story being gay when, in fact, it wasn't gay?!?! You've killed my views of this platform, my views of humanity really, and I don't know what to say. I could say I'm disappointed, but what is there to be disappointed about. I mean, you have the right to an opinion as much as I do. I guess I just didn't expect anyone to have such a hurtful opinion.

Yea I understand that there are assholes in the world take you for an example instead of basically bullying the author you should Wright respectful comments and I'm on the internet cause I can be. I'm not sensitive I'm just telling you the truth don't like it then stop commenting I'm trying to be as respectful as possible right now

FrightKnight88:Hey since you wanna talk about assholes, then why are you being one and assuming I knew it was a Bakudeku fanfic? The synopsis shows no hint of them being together, the cover photo looks like Katsukis mom, and it didn't have a boylove/heterosexual tag, and the first few paragraphs make no effort with its content or with an author note that KACCHAN IS FUCKING GENDERBENT, it looks like Boylove instantly, which I am not interested in reading. Also, a review isn't a place for showing concerns, that's for comments. A review is for calling out the terrible shit you see/ amazing as **** shit, and to inform the people reading said review about it, which is what I did. I frankly don't give a **** if I seem like an asshole, the world is full of assholes, if you are this sensitive you shouldn't be on this website or the internet in general.

are you just going to ignore how you lied about there being tags and how I told you to add them so no one ends up jumping to conclusions like me and being like me an, asshole????

Emerald_Brookes:I'm sorry that you feel that way but your rude comments were, in my opinion, excessive. If you don't like the plot of someone's book, there's no reason to say such mean things. Just leave. Don't be overdramatic enough to make your leave known. I do care about all my readers and you being one of those, even if only for a short period of time, does extend my care out to you. That being said, I hope you find a book more up your alley soon so no other author has to go through the trouble of having you as a reader. Have fun; be safe; I wish you the best on your journey. Bye ~Emerald Brookes

the assholes in the world are plenty, and frankly I'm not even as assholish as quite a bit of other people on this...site/app monstrosity. I also told the author if she added tags and put like a note in the synopsis that it was a bakudeku fanfic I'd give her an apology, but frankly if the thing that caused me to be misled and jump to conclusions is a problem not fixed I don't see the reason for my assholeness to be stripped away from her reviews nor do I feel like apologizing at that point

shoto_todorki:Yea I understand that there are assholes in the world take you for an example instead of basically bullying the author you should Wright respectful comments and I'm on the internet cause I can be. I'm not sensitive I'm just telling you the truth don't like it then stop commenting I'm trying to be as respectful as possible right now

I believe there might be a technical difficulty with that because on my phone and laptop it shows me that I have added tags. Thanks for the feedback tho. I'm going to try to figure it out. Again, I'm not familiar with this platform so I might be doing something wrong. Sorry.

FrightKnight88:are you just going to ignore how you lied about there being tags and how I told you to add them so no one ends up jumping to conclusions like me and being like me an, asshole????

aight I understand. I'm going to remove my review in like 30 minutes so you have time to see this reply

Emerald_Brookes:I believe there might be a technical difficulty with that because on my phone and laptop it shows me that I have added tags. Thanks for the feedback tho. I'm going to try to figure it out. Again, I'm not familiar with this platform so I might be doing something wrong. Sorry.

Alright. I'm glad we could come to an agreement. I'm sorry for all the inconvenience I might have caused. I hope you have a great day!

FrightKnight88:aight I understand. I'm going to remove my review in like 30 minutes so you have time to see this reply