
Review Detail of harkam18 in Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.

Review detail


(Sorry for my English, but it's not my native language) In general it is a good novel, but there are several things that I do not like. I know it has a slow development, but it is too much. In other novels the MC would have already accepted that he is no longer in his world and that now he needs to learn a new common sense, instead of meddling in annoying matters. For this there would be a small event that would encourage him to improve, but in this novel he just takes it back, making the story heavier because it can feel repetitive. I mean, there were already several things that would have made a normal person seriously rethink whether with a normal mentality they could survive, but in this case the MC prefers to stay the same thinking that everything is going to change without him doing something. I can bear that at first he is a fearful crybaby, but that at this point he has not gotten angry one bit with the cause of everything is an idiot, honestly. I understand that he represses himself, but unless it is Gandhi, I do not understand why he does not have a bit of violent reactions to several important things and only worries about small things. These are all the complaints that I have managed to find so far, if I have more I will leave them in the comments.


Transmigrated as an NTR’ed protagonist.


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