
Review Detail of Daoist689073 in To the Depth of Abyss

Review detail


I'm not gonna lie. If this novel wants to continue in english it DESPERATELY needs an editor, or someone fluent in the language if the author is not... in the first chapter alone I found it became difficult to continue reading as the flow of the story kept getting cut up by the way it was written, and it took me some time to try to follow what the author was trying to convey. If the story gets some edits into it to smooth itself out, I'll give it a more serious chance but for right now I cant TRULY recommend it in good faith, regardless of if its later chapters have improved. First impressions are important and having a first chapter like this one doesnt leave a good one! The review is subject to change at such a time as the author reviews their earlier work in the story!


To the Depth of Abyss


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