So, before I start reviewing this novel and explaining as to why I am giving it 5 stars, I want to say that Author should change the name of this novel to Revival of Eastern Roman Empire/Roman Empire, using the name some idiot thought to be romantic shouldn't be allowed.
now, with ranting out of the way, let's move on to the review itself.
Writing Quality - it isn't superb per-say, but, it only has few occasional mistakes and as such deserves at least 4.5 stars.
Stability of Updates - 5 stars, because looking at it, it doesn't seem like he missed a day without a reason(such as being in the army, duh)
Story Development - one of the things I really love in this novel is that it doesn't jump you straight into the action, it introduces characters left and right without making you feel tired and overwhelmed with all the Greek or Turkish names. fight scenes aren't forced and they are quite nicely introduced into the play. as such story development of this novel gets 5 stars.
Character Design - now, this is the major thing that you should love in this novel if you love history... and that is characters... almost every character in this novel is someone you can google and learn more about. the only mistake I have seen so far in 90 chapters is Vladislav II Dracula, and it isn't that big of a mistake, just delete 'Dracula' in that name and everything is fine. Main Character is a likeable character and Side characters are actually important and 'alive', with their distinct personalities.
World background - now this one is tough to rate because there are some amazing details that Author has implemented in his story, but there are some absurd things as well... like there being smoking pipes in the 15th century... as such I am giving the world background solid 4.8(there are other mistakes as well apart from smoking pipes, that's why it gets 4.8)
Finally, the novel itself according to these criteriums gets... 4.825 Stars :P but Webnovel says it's 4.8... (don't trust it)