
Review Detail of Myaurico in Lightning Is the Only Way

Review detail


Promising begging but later on so much stupid development make mc 10 years old please... So if you want waste money on this better wait until it have more chapters.

Lightning Is the Only Way


Liked by 1 people




I would say the main character starts out as a ”reactive character” rather than an ”active” one, which means it is basically impossible for him to force the plot. Although the beginning might seem forced, it is a relatively normal reaction for children to want revenge in that kind of situation. Try thinking like this: your childhood friend was basically killed just because someone wanted to mess with your dad indirectly, because doing it directly would be impossible.

Myaurico:Well it's getting better after some forced chapters so it's fun to read will see what be later if I get some money for this, though webnovel greedyness for money is frightening, and promising begging was about fresh start but later mc turning his mind to force the plot though it's understandable but still somehow frustrating but still world settings is good and chapters fun to read I wish later on mc not become stupid again to force plot...

I am so confused by so many things. You wrote some comments on chapters 230 to 235 and then wrote this review. I mean, I have no problem with your review. I'm just confused about the fact that you said "Until there are more chapters." There are like 500 more chapters after 230. Also, what does "promising begging" even mean?


Well it's getting better after some forced chapters so it's fun to read will see what be later if I get some money for this, though webnovel greedyness for money is frightening, and promising begging was about fresh start but later mc turning his mind to force the plot though it's understandable but still somehow frustrating but still world settings is good and chapters fun to read I wish later on mc not become stupid again to force plot...


Though I get it that MC literally fried his brain more than one time...