
Review Detail of Hunter_Fitch in A New World, an immersive game experience

Review detail


Hi i just want to mention that i love the book you made and the fact that you go through your reviews makes it that much better. I just wanted to give some of my critiques and comments about the book so far. First: i am currently 198 pages into the book(just a heads up) So i just wnated to say that i really like what you did here with the world building and how much effort you put into making the game world seem both alive and massive at the same time. One thing i didt like about the book though is how much of a slow burn it is as in it takes a very long time for the mc to become stronger, to be honest i really like to read so this isnt much of a issue for me as it would be for some others so yeah. Another thing that i like about the book is mixing in the prespecive of multiple characters such as his freind erik or the leaders of the empires. So yeah i just wanted to give a quick review of the book so far.

A New World, an immersive game experience


Liked by 1 people




Thanks, I am well aware of the slow pace. In some situations it works well, in others, it might be better to skip more and get to the action. I am still trying to find the balance and will likely always be searching for it.