
Review Detail of Daoist626662 in The World Flipped

Review detail


there was some mistakes in the writing and also some bold text, but most if not all the mistakes espetialy in the early chapters was corrected, so overall pretty decent writing espetialy without editors, the development of the story is slow at first but it pick up the pace after the 9 months skip or in the 15 to 20 chapter i don't remember, even thought some characters are bland or they seem so at first the main characters are mostly fun and interesting, no matter who you are you will relate to at least one character, the author updates the story daily and cares about any helpfull reviews, and the world is very interesting, the only bad thing about this novel is that if you don't pay attention and read between the lines you will get confused with the character swiches, so read it with an open mind, what i can say is that even thought it has some rought edges here and there, i defenetly recommend , its a very rich story so read it when you have alot of time like this cat

The World Flipped


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so i reread most of the chapters, there was alot of improvement, espetially with making some things clear, i don't know if this is intentianal but there are alot of times were things are vaige, and i hope it wouldn't be all answered with one big information dump as alot of stories with that problem become too boring as the answer wouldn't be as effective, some stories link it all with a short explenation that leads to another mystory, and the answer to it would solve the puzzle, and that would be a good way to go about it, but a unique way to lead the story forward would also be good, but for both ways to work the story has to be attractive all the way throught, another thing is that that when a mission is issued such as in the beginning of the story with the tutorials, it repeats alot of thing which makes it sound like an early state A.I , i don't know if its only in some chapters or if its intentional, i hope there is an exeplenation for it. note: thank you for the update and the fix, it helped alot


wow, Thank you


i good auther gets a good review man, keep at it

CephasWRITES:wow, Thank you

i have started the editing but since I'm taking my time to properly edit from chapter one, it's taking a little while, but i can assure you it will be fixed soon. you can follow-up from chapter one to note the changes and ask any questions or say anything you feel i need to know.


i meant early stage A.I

Daoist626662:so i reread most of the chapters, there was alot of improvement, espetially with making some things clear, i don't know if this is intentianal but there are alot of times were things are vaige, and i hope it wouldn't be all answered with one big information dump as alot of stories with that problem become too boring as the answer wouldn't be as effective, some stories link it all with a short explenation that leads to another mystory, and the answer to it would solve the puzzle, and that would be a good way to go about it, but a unique way to lead the story forward would also be good, but for both ways to work the story has to be attractive all the way throught, another thing is that that when a mission is issued such as in the beginning of the story with the tutorials, it repeats alot of thing which makes it sound like an early state A.I , i don't know if its only in some chapters or if its intentional, i hope there is an exeplenation for it. note: thank you for the update and the fix, it helped alot