
Review Detail of ThirtyTyrants in Secrets of How the World Changed

Review detail


I like litrpg, and I think the gaming elements in the novel are very well executed. The stat changes, and how Liu Kai reacts to them is very entertaining. I would like to know more of is inner thoughts, as as far as I've read he's a very reactive character, and doesn't take much initiative, of course, that makes sense to some extent considering he has been thrown into a completely novel and unpredictable situation. In any case, I'd still like to learn more of his thoughts, and what he feels and thinks about what's happening to him. This doesn't need to happen in an voiced thought with a speech tag, just a sort of running inner monologue as he analysis the situation around him and takes stock of his feelings and emotions, would really help flesh out his character. I like his interactions with Jin Chow, and how they bring out his more humorous side. For his part, Jin Chow is a funny character, and he works very well as a sort of "mentor" who shows Liu Kai the ropes. I recommend paying attention to some of the verb tenses. If something is being described in the past tense, switching to present in the middle can be jarring. I think this novel has great potential, and the author shows a good grasp of the genre. Liu Kai is a likable, protagonist, and I believe that his journey as he becomes stronger, and learns more about the world will prove very worthwhile. Keep up the good work!


Secrets of How the World Changed


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