After reading through half the available chapters so far the only thing I can say about this novel is tha it is way too addicting to put down,The first thIng that sets this apart from your cliche shounen isekai is the plot and character development. It excels at creating realistic compelling characters that are brimming with personality in an equally interesting complex plot with many things happening in the background. Not only that, but the diction is very unique and smooth and you can really feel the thought and effort into picking each word as not only is the author’s vocabulary expansive, but also very expressive and intrigueing and bascially never boring.If I had to use a simile it would be like using a different weapon each time when shooting a target, never missing and always hitting the bullseye which would be how i decribe the author’s mastery and control over their diction. Also with the great character development at the start which features excusively the previous world works as a great contrast and indicator of the mc as she progresses through the story which is a way to make a isekai story more complex and interesting even though most of them once they get isekai’d almost never mention the prevoius world and their past life. The story also doesn’t rush plot and takes it time to world build, which may be slow in the beginning, it makes the world ever immersive.
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