
Review Detail of Neil_Ads in Into the Zombie World

Review detail


As the author I am not confident on this novel, so if you ever like it just say so on the chapter comments or you can give a review. As long as there are readers, I will do my best to update daily. And of course I will rate my own work 5 stars. Thank you!

Into the Zombie World


Liked by 6 people





Neil_Ads:D*mn, I need time to take this in. But, futuristic machine/metals? D*mn, this is in line with my plan so they might have some similarities later.

What kind of powers can we expect? cultivation?magic?mutant powers?supernatural? what about harem?


Base on the latest chapter, because of the Virus, they can have more physical power. I don't know if i will add magic to the story, but that's unlikely to happen. Bdw, thank you for reading.


And about harem, I think not, but it will still depend, maybe or maybe not.


He did mention cultivation, magic, mutant powers, supernatural. But my main question is what about esper/psychic powers(btw esper and mutant powers are different categories to me)


I'll try to add some other elements on this Novel. Thank you for suggesting the esper thing, I'll surely research about it and add it to the story if I could.

Primordial_Two:He did mention cultivation, magic, mutant powers, supernatural. But my main question is what about esper/psychic powers(btw esper and mutant powers are different categories to me)

I'll try to add some other elements on this Novel. Thank you for suggesting the esper thing, I'll surely research about it and add it to the story if I could.

Primordial_Two:He did mention cultivation, magic, mutant powers, supernatural. But my main question is what about esper/psychic powers(btw esper and mutant powers are different categories to me)

I'll stop stocking up chapters and read from my current chapter to the newest one if you make a Warhammer 40K reference xD because if you do I'll laugh my ass off

Neil_Ads:I'll try to add some other elements on this Novel. Thank you for suggesting the esper thing, I'll surely research about it and add it to the story if I could.

I'm that desperate for a good laugh

Neil_Ads:I'll try to add some other elements on this Novel. Thank you for suggesting the esper thing, I'll surely research about it and add it to the story if I could.

Yeah I'vs been trying to add some comedy to this Novel, but it looks like comedy is not my cup of tea, but I will still try my best thought 😓😓


I'm not familiar with this one. Coukd you please enlighten me?

Primordial_Two:I'll stop stocking up chapters and read from my current chapter to the newest one if you make a Warhammer 40K reference xD because if you do I'll laugh my ass off

It's a long story(literally) basically in short Warhammer 40,000 is set in the distant future, where a stagnant human civilization is beset by hostile aliens and malevolent supernatural creatures. The models in it are a mixture of humans, aliens, and supernatural monsters, wielding futuristic weaponry and magical powers.

Neil_Ads:I'm not familiar with this one. Coukd you please enlighten me?

Long ago, there were great beings of power. The Old Ones. They were the masters of this universe. They had a lot of fun doing whatever. They loved making new species. But they had an enemy - the Necrontyr. These beings were from a hellhole of a planet, Life Expectancy of less than 30, and basically had hell. They waged war against the Old Ones, the War in Heaven, that culminated in their near death - until the C'tan, beings of great power and shrouded in mystery, arrived, and offered them a chance to take the Old Ones Down. Well, sorta, one of them offered. The Deceiver. Yeah you know where this is going. In exchange for their service, the Deceiver gave them armor of living metal, Necrodermis, and great strength with which they could destroy the Old Ones. With this power, the deemed themselves Necron, no longer Necrontyr. And with this power, the fucked wrecked the Old Ones - to the point that so many Old Ones were being sent to the afterlife that it caused massive upheaval, and the afterlife became something worse. Chaos. YEP. Moving on. The Old Ones, unable to fight effectively, raised species to fight for them - Orkz. These beings were the ultimate fighters, effective against the Necron. When they grew up, which was tough. But fight they did, alongside the Eldar, who, depending on sources, either were born alongside the Old Ones or were their creations. But, eventually, they lost. Sorta. The C'tan realized that killing and eating all living beings (and planets) would be their undoing. So the Eldar God of Trickery told one of the C'tan that eating themselves was a great idea! Now out of dozens, hundreds, there's like, four. But that's for later. Now that the Old Ones were spent, the Eldar and Orks nearly dead, and the C'tan slowly dying by cannibalism, the Necrons went home, to their tomb worlds, to sleep for millions of years and wait for the galaxy to become ripe again. Thus ends the Pre-Humanity Stage. Many millions of Years Later, Humanity! We show up on Earth and do Human things, but with the help of our Shamans - prehistoric Psykers, who had the power of regeneration. When they died, they went to the afterlife (this all happened before the Gods of Chaos woke up, by the way, that's for later), and then basically came back. But soon, after doing this a lot, they realized that Chaos was getting stronger and they couldn't keep it up. They needed to fight back. So every Shaman on Earth got together and ritualistically killed themselves, so their souls would go to Chaos together, and be reborn as... The Emperor! Our hero! Protagonist of this shithole! The Emperor was born in Anatolia, and life went on - no really, that's the only differences between 'real' life and 40k life. The Emperor was created, other than that, Humanity progressed as you'd expect. Well, that, and he conquered one of the C'tan, the Void Dragon, from which Technology is basically derived (sorta), and sent it to Mars. And that's really it. Around the Medieval Ages, the Gods of Chaos awoke (Humanity didn't matter, just coincidental), and had some fun of their own. But Shanix, where are the Eldar and Orks during this? Well, the Orks were fucking around doing Ork things. The Eldar, on the other hand, spanned the Galaxy with the help of the Old Ones' Webway, an FTL system that didn't use the warp to do FTL travel. You know what they did? They fucked. Every goddamn day they fucked. Like, no shits given, just fucking. For Millennia. But that's for later. So Humanity does the Humanity thing and go out into the galaxy, spreading like wildfire. We didn't travel through the warp either, we basically skimmed it, like the Tau do (later). Eventually, we create the Men of Iron, sentient robots that literally do anything we ask. And we create more with the STCs, Standard Construction Templates that basically give any idiot the ability to produce something bigger and badder than Baneblade Tank (which was classed as light tank when the Mechanicus found it, funny enough). S

Neil_Ads:I'm not familiar with this one. Coukd you please enlighten me?

So we're chilling and suddenly, the Men of Iron attack us. So we destroy them, and we realize how ****ed we'd be if it happened again, and how ****ed we are at that very moment. Humanity deems AI illegal, never to be researched again, and w move on with our liv-- Remember when I said the Eldar loved ****ed? They loved it so much They fucked Slaanesh into Existence. No, really, they did! They fucked so much, as a people, that they birthed a new God of Chaos and tore a hole from Chaos to Reality, the Eye of Terror. This also brought about massive warp storms across the galaxy, which cut Humanity off for a long time. Remember the Emperor? Remember how I mentioned him once or twice and never again? It's Emperor Time bitches! While the Techno Barbarians were waging war on Terra, the Emperor stood, raised warriors that were as strong, if not stronger, than Space Marines, and conquered Terra in five minutes flat. Well, not really, but basically. Then he went to Mars, and reunited the two planets - sorta. The Mechanicus of Mars did not want to be under the Emperor, but they accepted him as the Avatar of their god, the Omnissiah, and agreed to an alliance that in no uncertain terms married the fledgling Imperium the Mechanicus forever. So the Emperor, in his literally infinite Wisdom, decided that his current Warriors, the Thunder Warriors, were not good enough or numerous enough to take all of Humanity Back. So instead, he created 20 legions, and for them, 21 20 Leader, the Primarchs. But Chaos is a funny guy and sent all 21 20 off into space, but not the legions. So, the Emperor said fuck it and went on Crusading himself. So began the Great Crusade. The First Primarch found was Horus, and him and the Emperor had a grand ole' time crusading together, alone actually, for a decade or two before finding another Primarch, Leman Russ. And then NOBODY AT ALL NEVERMIND THIS ONE, Then Ferrus, Fulgrim, Vulkan, Dorn, Guilliman, Magnus, Sanguinius, Lion El'Jonson, Perturabo, Mortarion, Lorgar, Khan, Curze, Angron, Corax, NO ONE AT ALL, and finally, Alpharius Omegon. Thus, the 20 18 Legions had their Primarchs, and went Crusading. Except for that last one, Alpharius. He was found by Horus, not the Emperor, and pledged loyalty to Horus, not the Emperor. By this point, the Emperor stopped personally crusading and announced Horus as the Warmaster, who commanded the Imperium's Armies as the Emperor's Proxy. The Emperor had retired to create Humanity's own Webway system, which was pretty cool, but required him to not fight. Horus wasn't a fan of this, and started having some Daddy issues (really though). But he didn't stop crusading, until he was wounded one day, and instead of taken to Terra to be healed, stayed at a Warrior's Lodge on a Feral World, at the recommendation of Erebus, first fallen to Chaos. While Horus was being 'healed', he saw visions of the Imperium destroyed, fractured, etc, thanks to Chaos. So, when he awoke, he realized that he had to fight the Emperor to keep the Imperium safe. Yeah. So he did. He gathered fully half the Imperium's forces, The Imperial Army (later split to the Guard and Navy), the Space Marine Legions, and the Mechanicus, and waged war. There's a lot of details here but small compared to the rest. The big stuff happened over Terra, where Horus laid siege to the planet and broke it bit by bit. Until he let down his shields for a moment, and allowed Emperor & Co. on board. During this, Magnus, greatest Psyker below the Emperor, tried to warn the Emperor by astrally projecting himself into the warp and getting home. He broke through the Human Webway, but did not inform the Emperor out of shame. Thus, a breach was made and Daemons spread through. The Control Station, the Golden Throne, required a psyker sitting atop to protect the Imperium from within. Back to the siege. The Emperor, 5 Terminators/Custodes, Sanguinius, Dorn, and OLLANIUS PIUS, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM beamed onto his flagship. Sanguinius was struck down

Primordial_Two:Long ago, there were great beings of power. The Old Ones. They were the masters of this universe. They had a lot of fun doing whatever. They loved making new species. But they had an enemy - the Necrontyr. These beings were from a hellhole of a planet, Life Expectancy of less than 30, and basically had hell. They waged war against the Old Ones, the War in Heaven, that culminated in their near death - until the C'tan, beings of great power and shrouded in mystery, arrived, and offered them a chance to take the Old Ones Down. Well, sorta, one of them offered. The Deceiver. Yeah you know where this is going. In exchange for their service, the Deceiver gave them armor of living metal, Necrodermis, and great strength with which they could destroy the Old Ones. With this power, the deemed themselves Necron, no longer Necrontyr. And with this power, the fucked wrecked the Old Ones - to the point that so many Old Ones were being sent to the afterlife that it caused massive upheaval, and the afterlife became something worse. Chaos. YEP. Moving on. The Old Ones, unable to fight effectively, raised species to fight for them - Orkz. These beings were the ultimate fighters, effective against the Necron. When they grew up, which was tough. But fight they did, alongside the Eldar, who, depending on sources, either were born alongside the Old Ones or were their creations. But, eventually, they lost. Sorta. The C'tan realized that killing and eating all living beings (and planets) would be their undoing. So the Eldar God of Trickery told one of the C'tan that eating themselves was a great idea! Now out of dozens, hundreds, there's like, four. But that's for later. Now that the Old Ones were spent, the Eldar and Orks nearly dead, and the C'tan slowly dying by cannibalism, the Necrons went home, to their tomb worlds, to sleep for millions of years and wait for the galaxy to become ripe again. Thus ends the Pre-Humanity Stage. Many millions of Years Later, Humanity! We show up on Earth and do Human things, but with the help of our Shamans - prehistoric Psykers, who had the power of regeneration. When they died, they went to the afterlife (this all happened before the Gods of Chaos woke up, by the way, that's for later), and then basically came back. But soon, after doing this a lot, they realized that Chaos was getting stronger and they couldn't keep it up. They needed to fight back. So every Shaman on Earth got together and ritualistically killed themselves, so their souls would go to Chaos together, and be reborn as... The Emperor! Our hero! Protagonist of this shithole! The Emperor was born in Anatolia, and life went on - no really, that's the only differences between 'real' life and 40k life. The Emperor was created, other than that, Humanity progressed as you'd expect. Well, that, and he conquered one of the C'tan, the Void Dragon, from which Technology is basically derived (sorta), and sent it to Mars. And that's really it. Around the Medieval Ages, the Gods of Chaos awoke (Humanity didn't matter, just coincidental), and had some fun of their own. But Shanix, where are the Eldar and Orks during this? Well, the Orks were fucking around doing Ork things. The Eldar, on the other hand, spanned the Galaxy with the help of the Old Ones' Webway, an FTL system that didn't use the warp to do FTL travel. You know what they did? They fucked. Every goddamn day they fucked. Like, no shits given, just fucking. For Millennia. But that's for later. So Humanity does the Humanity thing and go out into the galaxy, spreading like wildfire. We didn't travel through the warp either, we basically skimmed it, like the Tau do (later). Eventually, we create the Men of Iron, sentient robots that literally do anything we ask. And we create more with the STCs, Standard Construction Templates that basically give any idiot the ability to produce something bigger and badder than Baneblade Tank (which was classed as light tank when the Mechanicus found it, funny enough). S

So, after the Horus Heresy. We've got these massive legions of Space Marines, Imperial Army men, forces that are too strong on their own. While everyone was out trying to root Chaos from all the Imperium again, the current heads of the Imperium, the High Lords of Terra, in the few agreements they had with the Primarchs, decided that yes, having armies that big would end with another Heresy. In comes Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, who authors the Codex Astartes while rebuilding the Imperium. Essentially, it's a big plan, for the Space Marines, to become a large number of equal sized "chapters" instead of legions, of 1000 Marines each. Not all the Primarchs enjoyed this. Chief among them was Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, who did not want to break apart his Legion. He was joined by Leman Russ of the Space Wolves, who backed Dorn's claim of Guilliman being a coward for not being present to defend the Palace, while Guilliman rallied Khan and his White Scars and Corax with his Raven Guard banded together, nearly calling Dorn a traitor. It got so bad that shots were fired between an Imperial Army naval vessel and an Imperial Fists Strike Cruiser. After spending some time meditating (read: being a masochist), Dorn agreed to split his Legion, after one thing. Taking the Iron Cage. The Iron Cage was a creation of the Iron Warriors, the only other masters of Siege Wa***re to match the Imperial Fists, and served a giant "Prove you're better" sign to the Fists. So Dorn took his Legion and attempted to take it. Since this is 40k, it failed. Dorn's Legion was trapped, surrounded on all sides. They believed the Iron Warriors Primarch, Perturabo, was hiding within the center, and so they rushed it. As it turned out, it was a giant firing cage, where the Fists were decimated. Well, not decimated in the strictest sense but that maybe 1/10th of the Legion survived, maybe less. The Fists were reduced to using their fallen brothers as cover, fighting with tooth and nail, holding the Iron Warriors back. It was only with the timely arrival of the Ultramarines of Guilliman that they managed to survive. After that, Dorn relented and agreed, his Legion could be broken apart. Teritrated, actually. Fully one third of the most zealous would go the Black Templars, while one third of the newest would go to the Crimson Fists. The rest, the most loyal to the Imperium and Dorn, stayed together in the Imperial Fists. And Leman Russ didn't give a shit, he refused to break his Legion. They're around 10 to 30 times Codex Approved Strength. To cut down their legions' numbers, the Primarchs split them into the thousand strong allowed, this being called the Second Founding. While the Ultramarines split up into hundreds, possible thousands, of Chapters, others didn't. The Wolves had one, and it basically died off and was returned to the Wolves. Thus, was the end (more or less) of the Codex Crisis.

Primordial_Two:So we're chilling and suddenly, the Men of Iron attack us. So we destroy them, and we realize how ****ed we'd be if it happened again, and how ****ed we are at that very moment. Humanity deems AI illegal, never to be researched again, and w move on with our liv-- Remember when I said the Eldar loved ****ed? They loved it so much They fucked Slaanesh into Existence. No, really, they did! They fucked so much, as a people, that they birthed a new God of Chaos and tore a hole from Chaos to Reality, the Eye of Terror. This also brought about massive warp storms across the galaxy, which cut Humanity off for a long time. Remember the Emperor? Remember how I mentioned him once or twice and never again? It's Emperor Time bitches! While the Techno Barbarians were waging war on Terra, the Emperor stood, raised warriors that were as strong, if not stronger, than Space Marines, and conquered Terra in five minutes flat. Well, not really, but basically. Then he went to Mars, and reunited the two planets - sorta. The Mechanicus of Mars did not want to be under the Emperor, but they accepted him as the Avatar of their god, the Omnissiah, and agreed to an alliance that in no uncertain terms married the fledgling Imperium the Mechanicus forever. So the Emperor, in his literally infinite Wisdom, decided that his current Warriors, the Thunder Warriors, were not good enough or numerous enough to take all of Humanity Back. So instead, he created 20 legions, and for them, 21 20 Leader, the Primarchs. But Chaos is a funny guy and sent all 21 20 off into space, but not the legions. So, the Emperor said fuck it and went on Crusading himself. So began the Great Crusade. The First Primarch found was Horus, and him and the Emperor had a grand ole' time crusading together, alone actually, for a decade or two before finding another Primarch, Leman Russ. And then NOBODY AT ALL NEVERMIND THIS ONE, Then Ferrus, Fulgrim, Vulkan, Dorn, Guilliman, Magnus, Sanguinius, Lion El'Jonson, Perturabo, Mortarion, Lorgar, Khan, Curze, Angron, Corax, NO ONE AT ALL, and finally, Alpharius Omegon. Thus, the 20 18 Legions had their Primarchs, and went Crusading. Except for that last one, Alpharius. He was found by Horus, not the Emperor, and pledged loyalty to Horus, not the Emperor. By this point, the Emperor stopped personally crusading and announced Horus as the Warmaster, who commanded the Imperium's Armies as the Emperor's Proxy. The Emperor had retired to create Humanity's own Webway system, which was pretty cool, but required him to not fight. Horus wasn't a fan of this, and started having some Daddy issues (really though). But he didn't stop crusading, until he was wounded one day, and instead of taken to Terra to be healed, stayed at a Warrior's Lodge on a Feral World, at the recommendation of Erebus, first fallen to Chaos. While Horus was being 'healed', he saw visions of the Imperium destroyed, fractured, etc, thanks to Chaos. So, when he awoke, he realized that he had to fight the Emperor to keep the Imperium safe. Yeah. So he did. He gathered fully half the Imperium's forces, The Imperial Army (later split to the Guard and Navy), the Space Marine Legions, and the Mechanicus, and waged war. There's a lot of details here but small compared to the rest. The big stuff happened over Terra, where Horus laid siege to the planet and broke it bit by bit. Until he let down his shields for a moment, and allowed Emperor & Co. on board. During this, Magnus, greatest Psyker below the Emperor, tried to warn the Emperor by astrally projecting himself into the warp and getting home. He broke through the Human Webway, but did not inform the Emperor out of shame. Thus, a breach was made and Daemons spread through. The Control Station, the Golden Throne, required a psyker sitting atop to protect the Imperium from within. Back to the siege. The Emperor, 5 Terminators/Custodes, Sanguinius, Dorn, and OLLANIUS PIUS, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM beamed onto his flagship. Sanguinius was struck down

Meanwhile, The Faith. The big elephant in the room. First, understand that while the Crusade was happening, the Emperor spouted the Imperial Truth. This basically said "For Science! For Technology! For Advancement! No gods, no masters!" He outlawed organizer religion (even though he possibly helped kick-start Christianity), and even had it specifically written - he was no god, he was the supreme man, what Humanity was. But some paid that little attention, instead focusing on believing him a god. Eventually, a cult known as the Temple of the Savior Emperor arrived after the Horus Heresy, and began spreading itself - in less than 100 years, over 1 billion Terrans were practicing and untold more in the Imperium. By M32, the cult had become the de facto belief of the Imperium, only the Astartes and the Mechanicus not practicing. It became the State Religion, the Adeptus Ministorum, and started really stomping out other faiths. It eventually declared Wars of Faith against non-believers, because Crusade was taken, and basically everything was gone after a few Millennia, in M36. But some were not happy with it, obviously. They gained their own seat on the High Lords of Terra, and began to really influence the Imperium beyond what they should be able to. The Fabricator General of Mars (leader of the Mechanicum), several Chapter Masters, and the Administratum joined together against this Ecclesiarchy. They took the power as best they could, eventually weakening the Ecclesiarchy very, very badly. One Ecclesiarch, Benedin IV, moved the Ecclesiarchy from Terra to Ophelia VII, as the new base of the Ecclesiarchy. From there, their power was immense, and began to be unchecked. The Ecclesiarchy started raising massive tithes for their Cathedrals, then raised Armies and Navies, the Frateris Templars, and they rivalled the Imperial Guard and Navy. Eventually, Ecclesiarch Greigor XI moved back to Terra, and began to make major changes - no wait, food poisoning. He died before he could truly change the Ecclesiarchy. The Ecclesiarchy continued their opulent ways, and eventually Planetary Governors stopped giving them lods ov mone. The Templars came down on them hard. Suddenly, as always, WARP STORMS! Planets were cut off from one another, again, while Orks and Chaos and Genestealers infiltrated and attacked planets. The few that were under the watch of the Templars survived. The storms abated over time, and there was no need for another Great Crusade. Instead, there was a need for a Great Siege. High Lord of the Administratum, Goge Vandire, was around after those storms. He lead a military coup against the Ecclesiarchy and declared himself the leader of both. The two strongest parts of the Imperium, under the control of a someone that isn't the Emperor. When the Cardinals on Terra tried to leave for Ophelia VII, they were sucked into a warp storm and never seen again - more proof, for Vandire, that he was right and all should follow. So began, the Reign of Blood. He murdered basically anyone he wanted, had everything of his recorded for memoir's note, argued with himself, and sent massive fleets to reclaim every planet that was covered by the Warp Storms from before. He eventually found a cult on a new planet called the Daughters of the Emperor, a women-only sect of Emperor Worshippers. He arrived on their planet, and convinced them that he was protected by the Emperor and that they should recognize them - and they did once convinced. He made them to Ecclesiarchal bodyguards, renamed the Brides of the Emperor. Arrives Sebastian mother****ing Thor. Fun fact, his middle name was "Mother Fucking". He was on the world of Dimmamar, far from Terra. He rallied nearby systems under the Confederation of Light, against the Ecclesiarchy, and over time Vandire grew only more and more insane. When the Templars were sent to stop him, their entire fleet was destroyed, by the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath. With that news, Segmentum Obscurus (section of the Galaxy

Primordial_Two:So, after the Horus Heresy. We've got these massive legions of Space Marines, Imperial Army men, forces that are too strong on their own. While everyone was out trying to root Chaos from all the Imperium again, the current heads of the Imperium, the High Lords of Terra, in the few agreements they had with the Primarchs, decided that yes, having armies that big would end with another Heresy. In comes Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, who authors the Codex Astartes while rebuilding the Imperium. Essentially, it's a big plan, for the Space Marines, to become a large number of equal sized "chapters" instead of legions, of 1000 Marines each. Not all the Primarchs enjoyed this. Chief among them was Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, who did not want to break apart his Legion. He was joined by Leman Russ of the Space Wolves, who backed Dorn's claim of Guilliman being a coward for not being present to defend the Palace, while Guilliman rallied Khan and his White Scars and Corax with his Raven Guard banded together, nearly calling Dorn a traitor. It got so bad that shots were fired between an Imperial Army naval vessel and an Imperial Fists Strike Cruiser. After spending some time meditating (read: being a masochist), Dorn agreed to split his Legion, after one thing. Taking the Iron Cage. The Iron Cage was a creation of the Iron Warriors, the only other masters of Siege Wa***re to match the Imperial Fists, and served a giant "Prove you're better" sign to the Fists. So Dorn took his Legion and attempted to take it. Since this is 40k, it failed. Dorn's Legion was trapped, surrounded on all sides. They believed the Iron Warriors Primarch, Perturabo, was hiding within the center, and so they rushed it. As it turned out, it was a giant firing cage, where the Fists were decimated. Well, not decimated in the strictest sense but that maybe 1/10th of the Legion survived, maybe less. The Fists were reduced to using their fallen brothers as cover, fighting with tooth and nail, holding the Iron Warriors back. It was only with the timely arrival of the Ultramarines of Guilliman that they managed to survive. After that, Dorn relented and agreed, his Legion could be broken apart. Teritrated, actually. Fully one third of the most zealous would go the Black Templars, while one third of the newest would go to the Crimson Fists. The rest, the most loyal to the Imperium and Dorn, stayed together in the Imperial Fists. And Leman Russ didn't give a shit, he refused to break his Legion. They're around 10 to 30 times Codex Approved Strength. To cut down their legions' numbers, the Primarchs split them into the thousand strong allowed, this being called the Second Founding. While the Ultramarines split up into hundreds, possible thousands, of Chapters, others didn't. The Wolves had one, and it basically died off and was returned to the Wolves. Thus, was the end (more or less) of the Codex Crisis.

With that news, Segmentum Obscurus (section of the Galaxy with the Eye of Terror, 'north' of Terra) broke into open anti-Ecclesiarchy rebellion. He was not stopped by the Warp Storms across the galaxy, stopping only at planets to gather more allies. The leader of the Warp Naviagators declared him Master of the Warp at his prowess. Soon, they began contacting Space Marine Chapters, who praised the Confederation of Light for its actions. The Adeptus Mechanicus also allied with them, calling for the removal of Vandire via death. Vandire dissolved the High Lords, rallied his forces, and attacked. Well, ordered an attack. Many refused it by this point, and soon, Terra was under siege by The Imperial Fists and her successors, accompanied by the Mechanicus' attack troops, the Skitarii. But there was one force, completely neutral in this conflict until this moment. The Custodes. Bodyguards of the Emperor. When revealed the treachery of Vandire, they led a force directly to Vandire's sanctum, stopped only by the Brides. The Leader of this force of Custodes left his men as hostages, and took the leader of the Brides away. To where, we don't actually know, but we're pretty sure he took her to the Emperor and he spoke to her (iffy on the last part). When she returned, she personally executed Vandire. Thus ended the Age of Apostasy. Thor was tried as a heretic, found innocent, and became Ecclesiarch. The Ecclesiarchy was forbidden from holding men at arms (They would rename the Brides to Sisters, and thus, never had men at arms). And thus, the Crisis ended. Oh yeah, it started the Officio Assassinorum war too!

Primordial_Two:Meanwhile, The Faith. The big elephant in the room. First, understand that while the Crusade was happening, the Emperor spouted the Imperial Truth. This basically said "For Science! For Technology! For Advancement! No gods, no masters!" He outlawed organizer religion (even though he possibly helped kick-start Christianity), and even had it specifically written - he was no god, he was the supreme man, what Humanity was. But some paid that little attention, instead focusing on believing him a god. Eventually, a cult known as the Temple of the Savior Emperor arrived after the Horus Heresy, and began spreading itself - in less than 100 years, over 1 billion Terrans were practicing and untold more in the Imperium. By M32, the cult had become the de facto belief of the Imperium, only the Astartes and the Mechanicus not practicing. It became the State Religion, the Adeptus Ministorum, and started really stomping out other faiths. It eventually declared Wars of Faith against non-believers, because Crusade was taken, and basically everything was gone after a few Millennia, in M36. But some were not happy with it, obviously. They gained their own seat on the High Lords of Terra, and began to really influence the Imperium beyond what they should be able to. The Fabricator General of Mars (leader of the Mechanicum), several Chapter Masters, and the Administratum joined together against this Ecclesiarchy. They took the power as best they could, eventually weakening the Ecclesiarchy very, very badly. One Ecclesiarch, Benedin IV, moved the Ecclesiarchy from Terra to Ophelia VII, as the new base of the Ecclesiarchy. From there, their power was immense, and began to be unchecked. The Ecclesiarchy started raising massive tithes for their Cathedrals, then raised Armies and Navies, the Frateris Templars, and they rivalled the Imperial Guard and Navy. Eventually, Ecclesiarch Greigor XI moved back to Terra, and began to make major changes - no wait, food poisoning. He died before he could truly change the Ecclesiarchy. The Ecclesiarchy continued their opulent ways, and eventually Planetary Governors stopped giving them lods ov mone. The Templars came down on them hard. Suddenly, as always, WARP STORMS! Planets were cut off from one another, again, while Orks and Chaos and Genestealers infiltrated and attacked planets. The few that were under the watch of the Templars survived. The storms abated over time, and there was no need for another Great Crusade. Instead, there was a need for a Great Siege. High Lord of the Administratum, Goge Vandire, was around after those storms. He lead a military coup against the Ecclesiarchy and declared himself the leader of both. The two strongest parts of the Imperium, under the control of a someone that isn't the Emperor. When the Cardinals on Terra tried to leave for Ophelia VII, they were sucked into a warp storm and never seen again - more proof, for Vandire, that he was right and all should follow. So began, the Reign of Blood. He murdered basically anyone he wanted, had everything of his recorded for memoir's note, argued with himself, and sent massive fleets to reclaim every planet that was covered by the Warp Storms from before. He eventually found a cult on a new planet called the Daughters of the Emperor, a women-only sect of Emperor Worshippers. He arrived on their planet, and convinced them that he was protected by the Emperor and that they should recognize them - and they did once convinced. He made them to Ecclesiarchal bodyguards, renamed the Brides of the Emperor. Arrives Sebastian mother****ing Thor. Fun fact, his middle name was "Mother Fucking". He was on the world of Dimmamar, far from Terra. He rallied nearby systems under the Confederation of Light, against the Ecclesiarchy, and over time Vandire grew only more and more insane. When the Templars were sent to stop him, their entire fleet was destroyed, by the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath. With that news, Segmentum Obscurus (section of the Galaxy

I went overboard on the explanation

Neil_Ads:I'm not familiar with this one. Coukd you please enlighten me?

In a nutshell: Earth is in total ruin, this was caused by psykers and barbarians. Also many many wars. After a bunch of people named "shamans" killed them selves collectively they used there souls to create a man known as the God-Emperor. This God-Emperor create a force of super solders and took over earth for the good. He then moved on to create his sons known as "The Primarchs" but the forces of choas (basiclly demons from hell) spread all of his sons across the universe. The God-Emporer than started his campain to cleanse the universe from Xenos and other baddies. On his campain he meets up with his sons and takes their "gene-seed". With this gene seed he creates groups of space-marines (each primarch son has a group of space marines made from their gene-seed) This goes on until the Emperor has met all his sons who were still alive. This is when the **** hits the fan in the year 30,000. One of the Emporers sons named Horus gets corrupted by the Choas gods, and takes half of the primarchs and rebels against the emperor. A fight that last for a looong time kills many people and all of the primarchs. Horus is slain by the emporer but not before the emperor is completly mangled and is needed to be put on life support. The year is now 40,000. And the galaxy is a mess, there is only war now.

Neil_Ads:I'm not familiar with this one. Coukd you please enlighten me?

D*mn, I need time to take this in. But, futuristic machine/metals? D*mn, this is in line with my plan so they might have some similarities later.

Primordial_Two:I went overboard on the explanation