While searching for the whereabouts of his missing son William, Boss John learns Will was aboard a MegaCorp Shipping freighter that crash landed somewhere out in a back alley trade route used by pirates, smugglers and rogue mercenary groups. After contacting MegaCorp, John receives the information that a server fire destroyed the investigation records.
In a last act of desperation, Johns breaks into a Waylen Yutani subsidiary server and downloads the files of The Hunter Gratzner crash. After narrowly escaping, he found out the ship’s last resting place is M6-117. An obscure moon in a remote binary star system .2 light-years inside the Forbidden Planets region.
Returning to his headquarters, Johns opens the redacted file and learns 3 survivors escaped in a small shuttle. Realizing the ship did not break up on entry, Johns believes his son may yet be alive. But now, he has the responsibility of funding a costly mission to M6-117 to search for the survivors.
Six months later, John’s employer, Lady Lilith Hemmingford, comes to Johns and offers to fund a private mission that costs a small fortune.
The Lady in Black instructs Johns to assemble a trustworthy team, investigate the crash site and relate back what they find. They assign the mission black ops 1 and maintain the strictest secrecy..
Lady Hemmingford’s personal interest in a crash that has no clear financial gain makes Johns suspicious. But having no other options, he taps his two most trusted friends and teammates along with his headstrong 18-year-old niece for the covert mission. A mission he is well aware none of them may return from.
During the last mission debrief, Johns informs them they are going to a desert planet in the heart of a binary star system where night falls but once every 22 years. And that all life lives underground. He warns them to stay out of the shadows. Their sole mission is to find the ship, learn everything they can about the accident, and send him the names of the survivors.
Unbeknownst to Johns and his team, Lilith Hemmingford has clandestine plans of her own. She gives each member of Johns’s team secretive mission directives, suggesting John's adoptive mother knows far more about the reason behind the crash, as well as what is actually happening on M6-117.
Once there, the newly formed team must overcome the debilitating side effects of an unusually long hyper-sleep, come together to fulfill their secret missions before the dark planet reaches up and pulls them down forever.
Throughout their chaotic journey, they will come to doubt old loyalties, face bloodthirsty bio-raptors and battle enemies from the past, present and future.
09/23/24- UPDATE - Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know- as part of my learning to be a better writer- this fanfic series is undergoing a genre revision. Horror/Sci Fi. I am also adding a stronger 3rd person omniscient narrator, as well as upping the level of science, tech and mythos. Book 1 revisions are currently underway. This revision will alter plots, sub-plots, character arcs, theme and story direction throughout the entire series. I will also update each subsequent story as time allows. I hope you enjoy the new direction.
Dark_Multiverse4U · Movies