
Review Detail of NotUse in REALITY

Review detail


So, I tapped the link of your novel and it sent me to chapter eleven. Is this suppose to happen or is there something wrong with your link? Anyways, the author asked for a character review so I'll definitely do his request. Based on what I've read, the character descriptions are decent but I feel like you could add more instead of writing "unknown man" just like in chapter twelve. Perhaps you could write, "A man wearing a coat of black sees Mandeep waking up from the machinery he is attached to. He catches the attention of the man beside him. The strange man murmurs, My ultimate creation is bla bla bla and things like that" Something like that but still, I'll be rating it five stars. Perhaps instead of (:) You could use (") instead. This is just a suggestion and it's still up to you. :))) Keep up the good work and soon you'll be a great author!




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