Oh boy, well the story is ok, the writing style is a bit more in the way of tell not show at least in the first few arks. some arcs are realy short others like the Avatar ark are extremely drawn out. The quality gets better the longer you read but I'm gonna be honest most of the travels don't realy feel that fun except for the pokemon one and that one was very short, it's more like The mc thoes a Job or something that he does not realy enjoy. So why even travel? why not go back when you are not realy having fun? The GOT Arc was a work ark The Academia ark was a Punishment ark Avatar was again more or less just work from start to finish, shure he gets stronger and all but he still feels weak and he lacks purpose for gaining this power. like I said the MC doesn't seem to have fun at all, and I don't have fun reading about this then, it's like someone tells you about his workday, it's at best interesting but not realy entertainment. So yeah is the writing quality good? Yes it is. But did I enjoy the story as a whole? sadly not really, the MC lacks fun and motivation to do what he does, like it is now it seams pointless to me.
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