Poorly written, not edited or proof'd. MC's a pedophilic nutcase. Authors probably also a pedo for thinking and writing that shit...........
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LIKEi just read this novel at 31 dec 2020. the translation seems fine to me, 4/5. sometimes there's small typo, but the quality still good and easy to read. i have read the novel until the end. there's no pedophile scene at all. maybe it's just your brain that's dirty, but there are ga.y scene once. also, mc only do the deed after he got married with hinata, at 18yo. before that, they only have sleep over together, doing nothing but sleep, no lew.d there. sometimes kiss, but it's normal because they're lovers anyway. even the mc himself told hinata to hold back for a few years yo married (s.ex) each other.