Brainless author sending a 12 yr old naive chinese girl who is still drinking milk in a killing trials. The girls family gives her a gift like a fking normal knife and some chinese poison and there opponent has advance tech good luck with ur so called chinese poison. Oh w8 ur chinese plot armor is thicker than ur great china wall i guess this chinese poison of urs is gonna massacre the advance aliens and gods in it. and out of all countries in the world only 2 participants joined in this killing trial The MC and the little girl who are both fking chinese! Talk about patriotism i guess other countries are trash cuz they dont even have a single representative while our fking chinese sends a 12 yr old girl with her chinese poison. This is why im disgusted with chinese novel that has modern tags cuz they always patrionize their own country while they make others bad. Why dont you send ur own daughter to a war battlefield author a give her ur so called chinese poison maybe ur daughter can kill them all lets see if u can have common sense if u send a naive girl to a battlefield.
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