
Review Detail of JPNovelFan in Stuck as a Dungeon Mob

Review detail


AVOID THIS NOVEL IF YOU HATE IT WHEN AN AUTHOR NERFS THE MC BACK TO LEVEL 1 AT THE START OF EVERY ARC AND CHANGES EVERYTHING YOU LIKED ABOUT THEIR FIRST ITERATION. ALSO TAKING AWAY BASICALLY ALL OF THEIR SKILLS AND ABILITIES THEY WORKED FOR. ALL GONE. EVERY. VOLUME. Overall the author probably did a good job as I was engaged for all of volume one. Then the author decided to hit the reset button and change the character’s stats and everything back to the starting position and even changed the character from a skeleton into an orc. He’s in a different dungeon too I think, but I dropped the novel since I don’t like this kind of story telling. I become invested in the characters that I read and just completely nerfing them back to the beginning is terrible story telling and is basically a slap in the face for the reader. You’re it basically says that I should never become invested in any of the skills or powers or any aspect of the MC that makes them strong and defines them because at the end of every volume you write you are going to slap the MC back down to the beginning. This just proves that I should never become invested and that is the antithesis of why I real novels. I WANT to care about the main character and watch their systematic growth through the length of the novel. Nerfing them back down to level 1 every volume is just so terrible of an idea. Good luck with your novel but it’s not for me and I wish it was more clear in the synopsis that the author did this style of writing. I would’ve avoided the story like the plague instead of wasting my time and just being slapped in the face by the author.

Stuck as a Dungeon Mob


Liked by 85 people




Honestly I'm glad the review is here, initially I was turned off from reading it since I hate that sort of thing too so was going to save my time. But after reading comments [which should always be done with "negative" reviews since sometimes their bloody ridiculous] although got some spoilers it keeps me from dropping the book [which I probably would have done like reviewer apparently did] since I tend to absorb into stories making gains and losses for the characters much bigger factors.

Macabu:Was about to not start reading this novel because of this review, but after reading the replies, I'll give it a try. If it turned out to be very good then this review should be deleted cause it almost mislead readers like me from reading the novel.

*Queue: Call of the witch, Re:Zero*


He can switch between bodies so he doesn't lose the progress. It's like having multiple characters in a game. Some might still not like this approach so I'll warn them in the description when I have the time.


Can the mc switch back and forth between characters?

Pwnzer:He can switch between bodies so he doesn't lose the progress. It's like having multiple characters in a game. Some might still not like this approach so I'll warn them in the description when I have the time.

At the moment it depends heavily on the dungeon but he is getting there. But yes.

Snipe_Ur_Ass:Can the mc switch back and forth between characters?

He doesn't lose all progress though? Also I'd say the orc arc is where he makes the most progress. He just has to relearn his skills which if you would have read farther you would have realised was easy for him. But I digress, I wish you luck in finding a novel you enjoy.


Obviously you haven’t bothered to give the whole ‘nerfing them back to level 1’ thinh so you don’t have any right to say it is bad. If you had given it a chance you would know that not only was the orc body vastly stronger than the skeleton it could learn his original skills back extremely quickly. Also the mc can switch bodies between the skeleton and the orc and does so. I hate people whi claim to hate something and then spout bullcrap that does not make sense for what actually happens. The mc isn’t nerfed only empowered so don’t claim otherwise when you didn’t even bother to give the writing style a go. It’s actually brilliant as the mc is now essentially limitless due to him being able to get other bodies also it does not make any sense that you believe he has been moved to a different dungeon he is that dungeon’s champion why woukd he suddenly teleport to another dungeon.


Actually I felt the same way, but then I realized that the MC could switch between both characters so now I'm okay!


Look who I found from BotDS.


I agree completely.


Omg what if i was someone who was gonna start reading the novel! This is a huge SPOILER ! I was shocked when he first changed bodies! Now people who read this won't feel the same way i did. ...

Pwnzer:He can switch between bodies so he doesn't lose the progress. It's like having multiple characters in a game. Some might still not like this approach so I'll warn them in the description when I have the time.

The review already spoils that not to mention it can easily mislead the readers. The story has more to offer than just the body switching so hopefully there will always be more surprises in store anyway. Still, you do have a somewhat valid point.

lovelycat:Omg what if i was someone who was gonna start reading the novel! This is a huge SPOILER ! I was shocked when he first changed bodies! Now people who read this won't feel the same way i did. ...

Not only that but he likes to throw away characters which he dedicated a chapter to in 1 to 2 chapters after


But subaru actually has abilites still. Unlike this one where every single thing the mc had is gone. Not to mention that Subaru's captor is not his enemy unlike the Mc of this novel.

aSleepyPenguin:*Queue: Call of the witch, Re:Zero*

this review and a few like it genuinely deterred me from reading this novel for over 2 months despite constantly being recommended it. this review should be deleted because it's not only misleading but blatantly written in contradiction


Was about to not start reading this novel because of this review, but after reading the replies, I'll give it a try. If it turned out to be very good then this review should be deleted cause it almost mislead readers like me from reading the novel.


What you're implying is like a professional gamer losing ALL his gaming experience and skils everytime he's playing a new game while what actually happens is that the MC retains all his experiences and just gets transferred to different bodies


This is the typical reaction when people lose the things they put a lot of effort into over a long period of time. Growth is not linear. But I think you underestimate that. Says who the MCs must and always succeed. Not all outcomes must be within your bottom line. This is the reason I don't really get that 'hit' after reading a couple of novels of the same genres. It becomes monotones. Maybe I can only find this plot in real life, the sense that anything is possible, where the risk is potentially unlimited, and the worst-case scenario, more often than not, is worst than you speculated. That's why I'm more interested in keep on living. Instead of repeating the same cycle every day, while reading novels trying to fill that curiosity thinking "Maybe this novel would give a different plot twist".


How do you know it's a bad approach? Not everyone has the same taste as one another.


Its literlaly my opinion and i dont have to care if the approach is bad or not. I read it and i didNt like what i read so i made a review. Thats literallly what reviews are. Sharing opinions.

THANATOS_:How do you know it's a bad approach? Not everyone has the same taste as one another.

Different people have different opinion, and thanks for you and other opinion Because of yours debate opinion i have an ideas of story in this novel Ps : keep going guys🤗 : I always support you, * and the most importantly in debate don't hurt each other, okay!!!

HuddleGuddle:Obviously you haven’t bothered to give the whole ‘nerfing them back to level 1’ thinh so you don’t have any right to say it is bad. If you had given it a chance you would know that not only was the orc body vastly stronger than the skeleton it could learn his original skills back extremely quickly. Also the mc can switch bodies between the skeleton and the orc and does so. I hate people whi claim to hate something and then spout bullcrap that does not make sense for what actually happens. The mc isn’t nerfed only empowered so don’t claim otherwise when you didn’t even bother to give the writing style a go. It’s actually brilliant as the mc is now essentially limitless due to him being able to get other bodies also it does not make any sense that you believe he has been moved to a different dungeon he is that dungeon’s champion why woukd he suddenly teleport to another dungeon.