2020-08-07 16:43

So long bald vampire, you will be missed. May another brave translator pick you up and say FUCK YOU QIDIAN🖕. Since i need 140 character to post this, i will give you guys recipe. Sate kelinci Bahan-bahan 500 gr daging kelinci Kecap manis 100 mL air Minyak goreng Garam secukupnya Kaldu bubuk Daun salam 2 ruas Lengkuas (memarkan) 1 ruas jahe (memarkan) Gula merah Bumbu halus: 1 sdt Merica butir 5 siung Bawang merah 3 siung Bawang putih 4 buah Cabe merah 2 buah cabe rawit (sesuai selera) 4 butir Kemiri Bumbu kacang: 1 genggam Kacang tanah goreng 1 siung bawang putih 3 buah cabe rawit sedikit Daun jeruk/kulit jeruk purut secukupnya Gula merah Kecap manis Langkah Potong dadu daging kelinci. Sisihkan Tumis bumbu halus sampe harum. Masukan gula merah, daun salam, lengkuas dan jahe. Aduk sebentar sampai layu. Matikan api Masukan daging kedalam bumbu halus yg telah d tumis. Diamkan sekitar 30-45 menit Tusuk2 daging yg telah direndam tadi. Tuang kecap di atas sate. Bakar di atas arang sampai matang sambil dioles bumbu Bumbu kacang: haluskan bawang putih, cabe rawit, gula merah, daun jeruk/kulit jeruk purut sedikit, kacang tanah yg telah di goreng. Setelah halus tumis bumbu kacang sampe harum. Matikan api.tambahkan kecap manis Sate siap dihidangkan dg saus kacang ENJOY😘 Just copy-paste this to google translate indonesia->english to understand the recipe.

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Here's an updated review copy and pasted from my forum post to persuade others to read this: Plot summary: Xiang Kun is a 30 year old programmer who recently lost his job because his company went bankrupt. After a long night of drinking, he blacks out and wakes up 2 days later in his apartment feeling... different. After visiting the hospital and determining he's fine, a weird series of events start to happen. First his all his teeth come out, and brand new ones start to grow back in their place, all his hair falls out, and all his skin peels off as though he's a snake going through shedding. He also determines that he is slightly stronger, and has better senses, and he no longer craves food. In fact, he vomits whenever he tries to eat. He's worried a lot at first, and thinks he's contracted a serious illness, but I'm all sure us readers know; he's become a vampire. Things I like about the novel: The MC is very intelligent. As soon as the changes start to happen to him, he starts logging every single change, whether its obvious things like how far he can see/hear, experimenting to see what foods he can stomach more, even though in the end they still make him vomit, to his weight, his mental stability, and his sleeping patterns. He even sets up cameras to record himself and save for his log of experimentation, like recording himself drinking blood, cutting himself to see if he regenerates, and sometimes recording himself sleeping to record his own sleeping habits. He goes through his whole change very scientifically, and I really enjoy it as this isn't something you see often in novels. All the characters, while not fully realistically fleshed out; they are a lot better developed than most other novels. There hasn't been one 'young arrogant master' or some d*uche trying to make trouble with him yet, although he has stopped a knife waving psycho. Who i would assume to be the female lead, while we haven't seen a lot of her yet, I feel like she's developed well and funny as well since she nicknames the MC 'saitama' due to the fact that MC is super strong and is bald. While I don't know if there will be more 'vampirical' humans besides the MC, there has been one other vampirical creature that the MC has killed and drank the blood of to grow stronger, so im interested as to where the plot will develop and how the mystery of how the MC became a vampire will get solved.


I wanted to believe those who gave 4-5 stars and said that the novel has no cliché, but they are lying... First of all, the romance is terribly forced. He clearly showed that he was not interested but the woman started to think "How come is he not interested in me? I had a lot of people asking me out but I never accepted anyone because I never found the right person, but why is he not interested in me? Is he gay?" (So fucking egoistic and self-centered already) Then she asked him for a date while hiking, which the MC clearly didnt want to go and had other things to do, but, he is the type that is not able to say "No" (cause he is an idiot) and so he agreed and said yes, because, in his words: "it was impossible to refuse". NO, it was easy, just say no! You are not interested in her, you dont have to agree to what she wants to do! Just say no politely and say you are not interested. This romance is the most forcefull cliché **** I have seen, and it is shoved in our faces just after barely 10 chapters. You can imagine how the story is gonna play it out. Then there is the fact of the cliché couple attacked by a man with a knife and the MC to rescue (an extremely rare occurance to even ever witness such a thing in the middle of the day with so many people around, but that casually happened outside his house right after becoming a vampire), and instead of stopping or tackling the man from behind he kick him and punch his face even when he already knows that his strength is absurd. He could have easily blocked him from behind but he had to punch and kick him to act cool tho, otherwise he wouldnt look cool enough, he has to look like a Hero because of plot of course. For everything, the romance and the way the plot moves forward COMPLETELY drag the whole novel down. Especially the annoying and cliché romance. And judging by how early and HOW MUCH of it was already showed, it is going to be a pretty major part of the novel that is going to be completely ****. If not even a major part of the way the plot is going to be driven forward. This time I learned to never trust a Chinese's novel if it contains any type of romance, they just can't seem do it right, with some rare exceptions. This is probably why House of Horrors, Lord of Mysteries, Reverend Insanity and others.. are so high quality and good, apart from all the good things they already have, they have zero romance to bring them down.

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