Currently on chapter 28| The MC is reincarnated into a demon with a system. The system allow him to create anything he want with the cost of soul. Also there’s an altar that allow many other worlds to summon demon using offering so the MC can travel to many different world and these world are movies from the MC past life. Hope webnovel will choose this novel! :)
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LIKESo essentially this is Scribblenauts: Novel Edition seasoned with some copyright infringement here and there.
Mc is a fucking idiot. Should have died in chapter 60 when the elves discover his body. There's no way for him to disguise himself being a demon yet somehow we are to believe just because part of his body is underneath a centaur that the elves who are known for their keen eyesight to overlook it. Mc plot armor is showing. Fuck that arc.
huhhhhhh? he is playing dead lol.. wdym? so having a good eyesight make you able to tell whos alive and not on the battle field? lmao for you
Pretty sure he is pretty different from the other bodies being a devil. I don't see how he can play dead when he is supposed to vanish if he was actually dead. The dude is too unique to be able to disguise not to mention playing dead isn't groundbreaking science or strategy. Be honest and just admit if he wasn't the mc then he would be killed trying to play possum.
no srsly have u read the whole chapter? forget about green mist? forgot about that hes only a low level demon? also forgot about all bodies he use for hiding? lol
Just because the author wants to pull justification out his ass to make the demon live doesn't make it right or true. I understand you like this but he should have been caught at this time. just because he is the mc he is going to get away with playing dead until all the high level elves are gone which is stupid writing.
no srsly what your point? this world dont have the concept of acting, the green mist blocking their view of him, he's a low level demon, and there's nothing special about him that makes him stand out in this war and yeah this is a war no ones care about him here lol. you just dont want to accept this fact. you want the characters in this novel to view the mc as how you view him. you view him as a special low level demon coz he's the mc while the characters view him just a low level demon, even xeron don't view him as a special demon, he just view him as a low-level demon who have high-rank demon bloodline (coz of his wing) whose living in upper abyss which is weird for him. so by your point there should be someone in the elve's side who should watch every single lowlevel demon out there so they can be verified as dead? every element to his acting dead and hiding in the pile of corpse is explained properly there's not a thing author pulled out of his ass.
no srsly what your point? this world dont have the concept of acting, the green mist blocking their view of him, he's a low level demon, and there's nothing special about him that makes him stand out in this war and yeah this is a war no ones care about him here lol. you just dont want to accept this fact. you want the characters in this novel to view the mc as how you view him. you view him as a special low level demon coz he's the mc while the characters view him just a low level demon, even xeron don't view him as a special demon, he just view him as a low-level demon who have high-rank demon bloodline (coz of his wing) whose living in upper abyss which is weird for him. so by your point there should be someone in the elve's side who should watch every single lowlevel demon out there so they can be verified as dead? every element to his acting dead and hiding in the pile of corpse is explained properly there's not a thing author pulled out of his ass.
Don't see why you put so much effort in such lazy writing. If the mc weren't special then he would be dead and sent back. Mc is the type to jump into unknown world's without any pre-planning. Dude is an idiot and getting away playing dead is stupid/impossible. Conveniently no one will check on him until it's a low level character instead of the elves. Just admit it's lazy writing man and the mc is an idiot whose ideas work just because the author can't write for ****.
you cant even back your point lol. well im done . you just prove what i said you want the characters in this novel to view the mc as what you view him.. clearly you are just hating on it. you ignore everything coz you are hating on it.. have a good day.
you cant even back your point lol. well im done . you just prove what i said you want the characters in this novel to view the mc as what you view him.. clearly you are just hating on it. you ignore everything coz you are hating on it.. have a good day.
Irony is lost in what you are saying. Ending this conversation just because you can't back up anything anymore . Ha. Well good day to you then. Ps. Also reading a bit more in the raws has exact scenario coming out when he is only discovered by dwarves who he ganks and elves had left. Lulz quality writing.
@DW I disagree, what part of that is plot armor? If the reasons are there, make sense and can be used in the context of the story, what is wrong with the MC using those things to deceive others? I also think that you misunderstand how big a centaur is, though no in depth description is given, centaurs are known for their size. It would not be surprising if it was 3 or even 4 meters tall. Wouldn't that cover a two meter tall humanoid pretty easily? And since he strategically uses the green mist to his advantage, he can now no longer be distinguished from another humanoid or elven soldier. Then he could use his dark powers to escape in the shadows. This seems to be a pretty solid battle plan that he planned and prepared for. Not plot armor.