
Review Detail of Uncle_Sheogorath in Hangry Potter

Review detail


Interesting take on Harry Potter fanfic however why does he care so much about the Grangers? I think he didn't even meet Hermione yet? I don't see how random muggle-born family could benefit him and the excuse you used doesn't make sense. So yeah that really takes away from mc personality so far. Also perhaps have pov of other people such as Dumbledore and how they react to the new situations that mc caused because I don't see any reactions for the mc actions and how much he ruined the canon.

Hangry Potter


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Thank you for your feedback. Granger is the only moment of Purity and Perfection in his brain. I don't argue, she's not perfect. She's a child yet. But my hero is not an MC, or a cold-blooded killer. The story coverage from the perspective of other important characters will be necessary. But at chapter 14, I've given the hero a chance to start developing. The other version is simple. Dumbledore got angry, sent spies, got the Hero and welcomed the brainwashing.