
Review Detail of NotUse in Under Hiatus

Review detail


Chapter four scared me, I thought you were planning to write ten chapters for that chapter but then it was only three since it was in decimal notation. Anyway, back to the review: At first, I was doing this for the sake of a review swap but never mind that, I'm reading the whole thing when I have time. I love how you express the looks, the apparels, of the characters. The way you portray them is great. Grammar and punctuation is great, little to no mistakes at all but a little flourishing can do. Still, that is not worth downgrading a star in writing quality. The narration, I love it and there is this weird voice in my head who acts as the narrator while I read. Story development, smooth so far with everything described precisely when it comes to the world background. Overall, take all my stars!


Under Hiatus


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