
Review Detail of FunnyBuns in Prime Vampire

Review detail


Honestly I wish I had read it before, I put it off because I didn't like the idea of 2 volumes without the MC, but right now I'm completely lost, his backstory is just a big blank and you'd know basically nothing about him without the synopsis. Thanks to the synopsis I am able to piece some things together, but for the rest I have no clue. Like he disappeared for 2k years, that is fine, but from the writing I can't tell if these women are also over 2k years old. It seems like these people are young by the words, but it is also written that they were with him before he left, so ultimately I have no clue about the women. I can understand the male side characters as he has said before that these are just children to him so, but that is where the confusion comes from, if they are young then so too should be the women. There is more to it but ultimately it is all too confusing, I don't like the idea of 2 volumes without the MC, but quite honestly it seems important to the story and based on what I know from where I've read too it is probably better to read that so the story makes sense. Though from what I know it was about the academy before he showed up so there is the potential that some of the stuff I want explained won't be explained a s honestly I don't care about what the academy was like before, all I care about is the background of the women and the MC because I have almost 0 understanding of how they reached this point. Other than that it seems good.


Prime Vampire


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Don't worry I'm preparing another novel called Prime Vampire Avant, here I'll explain things that happened before the MC show up and a bit of the females background


Yeah ultimately I don't care about events before the MC, but the background of the women and even the MC is basically a big blank. For example knowing that these men are lusting after his women is more than enough to know about those guys, but knowing almost nothing about the MC or his women is kind of disappointing. From what I read in the former aux chapter it didn't include the MCs background story, which isn't something I want. Knowing about the MC is infinitely more important than knowing about dudes like Leon or the Dragon prince.

Nickaido:Don't worry I'm preparing another novel called Prime Vampire Avant, here I'll explain things that happened before the MC show up and a bit of the females background

I guess the best way to put it is I'd like to know more about before Kyle disappeared rather than what happened in the time he disappeared as women like Emea and Nui seem to know him before he disappeared(though Emea was lacking past life memories at that time), so knowing the events that took place after he left and not before isn't exactly good enough to understand the relationship, and the world too I guess.

Nickaido:Don't worry I'm preparing another novel called Prime Vampire Avant, here I'll explain things that happened before the MC show up and a bit of the females background

I understand, don't worry you'll know. I'm already working on it.

FunnyBuns:I guess the best way to put it is I'd like to know more about before Kyle disappeared rather than what happened in the time he disappeared as women like Emea and Nui seem to know him before he disappeared(though Emea was lacking past life memories at that time), so knowing the events that took place after he left and not before isn't exactly good enough to understand the relationship, and the world too I guess.