This is an amazing fic, my main gripe with it is the fact that mc is ridiculously lucky, I haven't been able to read past chap 84 due to them being locked but I really loved everything that came before. I just find it odd that he gets the best gear and is generally the most gifted character in the game yet he hasn't even been playing for more than 2 months. The writing quality is decent enough with a few grammar mistakes and characters talk a bit too much because of run on sentences. Stability of updates is decent. Not much else to say here. Story development is amazing, you slowly integrate new pieces of information into the game-verse and expand upon the lore. Character design is pretty meh, not 1-d but certainly not 3-d. It seems there will also be a tough-girl jade beauty in Frey. World background like I said is very decent. Nothing else to say except for the fact that the plot is pretty T H I C C. All in all an amazing novel and it was certainly enough to motivate me to create an account.
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