A steamy friends to strangers-strangers to friends-friends to lovers. You will know what I mean when you read the book. The ML is not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Life threw lemons at him but he made lemonade outta it!! We stan Maxim Warner, the hot, aloof, charming man who will bring any girl to her knees with his discreet cuteness. The Fl is born with a golden spoon in her mouth but every shiny thing has its flaws so does her life. Despite everything, she is one of the strongest characters you will come across. She is funny and witty. Fl and Ml used to be friends. Having not seen each other in 6 years, they meet again under unexpected circumstances but you won't find it strange or awkward. Because there is this chemistry that sizzles. Whenever they are in the same room, you will either have a silly smile on your face or you will have your toes curled. That's what they do to me. Every page of this book has me giggling and laughing. But some parts make me pause and breath because yes, these include heavy and dark topics. The author knows how to balance and the writing style is chef's kiss. There is something about a book that you read and you know you are not going to stop reading it until you reach the last chapter. This is one of such books, a page-turner. I was an avid reader years ago but now, I don't have time for books with my job and responsibilities. But Aurora is one of those authors who compels me to read her books
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